Bees busy?

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House Bee
Jul 30, 2013
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Co Westmeath Ireland
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My bees are mad busy & loads of yellow pollen going in. What would it be from, this time of year?
Same here, but 3 types of pollen. Maybe buttercup as some around.. last bits of ivy...and have Bacopa in full flower which they use all year- a great little plant
Could be gorse or mahonia both are in flower now. It could also be mustard if farms near you have sown mustard as a green manure crop, this is in full flower and will remain so until we get some good hard frosts.
mine were out today as soon as the sun was on the hives they were out in full force like summer, mine were bringing in the last of the ivy & mustard from a silage crop.
Ha! We had frost this morning & sunny all day, same agai tomorrow by the looks of it :)
mine were really busy today ,tried to lift one of the hive ..couldn't even move it
Yellow pollen

Our mahonia is in full bloom and on sunny days the honey bees and the occasional bumble have been very noticeable.
Next door has a **** that flowers every spring, It was in full flower today and bees were working it like crazy
Can't see that there could be much ivy left in flower. They were heavy with yellow pollen and bringing it in like if it was summer. Went down the garden to have a look as could hear the bees from up the garden. lovely to see them so busy this time of the year. No mustard around here. I have heathers out in full flower and there not on them .
Sharon - furz bushes are in full bloom, in Ireland (cannot comment on any other country) there are two types, one that flowers this time of the year and the other in Spring. The winter furz is in full bloom and in Wicklow there will be plenty of it due to the mountainous terrain. The bush has plenty of small yellow flowers that offers loads of yellow pollen that the bees absolutely love.
We still have wasps !!! 3 flying around my hives today??
Furz is gorse, also known as whim, a member of the Ulix family
I know it as "Whin".
I'm not so sure that there are varieties of it as it tends to bear flowers continuously in my neck of the woods.
There is an old saying: "Kissing is in fashion when the furze is on flower." Another version develops the alliteration further and begins "F****** is in fashion...."
Sharon - furz bushes are in full bloom, in Ireland (cannot comment on any other country) there are two types, one that flowers this time of the year and the other in Spring. The winter furz is in full bloom and in Wicklow there will be plenty of it due to the mountainous terrain. The bush has plenty of small yellow flowers that offers loads of yellow pollen that the bees absolutely love.

Yes could be that, as I have bog land in a half circle around me. They are piling it in, you'd swear it was the middle of the summer.
Sharon - loads of it where I am too - not quiet the golden vale here in south west limerick (mainly cut away bog)
My bees in Manchester are on Eucalyptus, Mahonia and Viburnum among other plants
Poly nuc bees flying today as they are in the sunlight, others are tucked up in bed.

No pollen today though, it must finally be finished around here.
mine were in full sun this afternoon but it was so cold none were flying, sensible bees!
Gorse is in flower here as well and loaded with bees.
SWMBO is annoyed as she was going to hack it back to the fence line but won't now.

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