Bees bringing in pollen

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Liam C Ryan

House Bee
Jun 22, 2010
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My bees bringing in yellow and grey pollen yesterday in Tipperary any ideas what type it is?
The yellow pollen looks like winter aconites and there is a bee in the first picture with orange looks like snowdrop
Lovely pictures Liam, I love a good bee pic :) I'm no help with the pollen, just wanted to say. You've given me my bee fix for this week. I've been too ill to go for a watch :)
Mine have been collecting from the early crocus flowers bee-smillie
Isn't "nature" wonderful - Hazel, snowdrops, crocus and now the goat willow showing silver, all overlapping and providing a steady stream of pollen - all I need is a decent spell of weather, the bees are harvesting at every opportunity.:D
Yellow could be daffodil , Orange gorse/fursebush & the grey is possibly the hazel catkins. That is what is out in North East Cork
Our bees are getting Willow, Gorse and Hazel, been seen on Pieris(?) ...

It's a bit early for Pieris but there is plenty of Viburnum tinus out at the moment which my bees are working

Hope you get well soon Kaz bee-smillie
A little unsure of the breed as I am new to beekeeping This is a swarm I captured last July and was my first colony ,they seem to be doing very well. Saw some bees on heather in a school near me but they were collecting grey pollen. Are they bringing in nectar as well?
Thanks everyone for your kind get well messages, I'm on the way.

I'm no expert but they look very similar to my carnis, but I have been told mine are a little on the dark side. Idk. :)
OK - can anyone say what has white pollen?? My girls are on crocus and winter acconite, there are millions of snowdrops, catkins and hellebores...but do any of them have white pollen??
Nonstandard, er you had better come and tell our plant that... it is covered in flowers and very happy!!!!! I think its being daft cos it will get caught by a frost if it isnt very careful (-0.5 last night) cars icy this morning but none the less the plant is well covered...
Nonstandard, er you had better come and tell our plant that... it is covered in flowers and very happy!!!!! I think its being daft cos it will get caught by a frost if it isnt very careful (-0.5 last night) cars icy this morning but none the less the plant is well covered...

Ha, serves me right for not checking your location before opening my big mouth :)

You are a good 3deg lat further South than us and are certainly getting more benefit from the Gulf Stream than I am in landlocked Derbyshire :) we are currently getting 3deg C at 09:30 today.

Here is our Pieris about 10 mins ago (unfortunately slightly out of focus)
and the Viburnum tinus
Nonstandard, indeedy, though this year we did have a lot of snow and ice and have now had loads of rain... yeuch!!!!!! never mind, even at our altitude... ... honest, it is a bit warmer, but cools down rapidly at night... I would pictures up but... ... ... I shall gloat quietly... nice photos...good luck with the glaciers...!
good luck with all
back to the grindstone, worn out already, its going ot be a long week I feel - bee breeding? now there's a thought could I be tempted away from this place and into... hmmmm...
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Today the first Apricot tree here started to open its flowers.



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