Bees at a wedding?

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House Bee
May 13, 2013
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Hi all,

I have a nice little out-apiary in a field (4 hives and 2 nucs). I've been informed by the landowner that the field will be used for a wedding next month and I'm wondering what I can do to avoid any problems. Don't yet know how close the guests will get, but they will be in the current flightpath. Really want to keep the landowner onside (he's planted acres of wildflowers for this wedding). Options include:

Moving hives - will have to find somewhere else, and probably rent a van, but in a pinch hives can go in my garden (5 miles away). Seems a lot of sweat for 24 hours.

Shut bees in - but worried about them overheating.

Rearranging hives - rotate to face different direction/put some screens up. Hopefully nobody will try and get too close a look?
Hasnt the farmer got a vehicle you can move them with.......Shut them up and move them to the shaded side of a building on his land???
A white wedding dress and bee poo won't look good in the photos, move well away from your site.
OMFs? Make some top screens? Perhaps use some more OMFs as top screens? Close up the night before and spray with water ar intervals if a hot day. Presumably this is for a reception, so only afternoon and evening?

Flight paths are dependent on foraging area, not direction of entrance.

Closing up, as above , and moving might be the best option, but you really need to find out some more details and agree a plan with the farmer. It might, for all we know, be needed as a camp site for visitors .... and stings might not be too popular in the wedding photos....
Shut them in. I went to a wedding with bees about 500 yards away and whilst they were not a problem around marquee and reception a lot of idiot guests kept walking down to see them and got stung. Don't underestimate how stupid people can be at times
Why not poles , as mentioned above, and green plastic fine mesh, up 7' high , 20' ( farmer ok with that ? ) get them up and away, and a "warning bee hives " sign " bees will sting to protect their hives please do not pass this fence " . Fence could surround them ? Then you could keep anyone getting near them.

Could be erected in no time. I have a similar fence around mine and works a treat. Provided they are reasnobly docile could be an option.

Last thing you need is a be frocked lady ( or gent :). ) copping a sting !
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I went to a wedding with bees about 500 yards away and whilst they were not a problem around marquee and reception a lot of idiot guests kept walking down to see them and got stung. Don't underestimate how stupid people can be at times

Especially as most wedding guests will be drinking alcohol, and wearing perfume/aftershave, the former making the guests less likely to consider the risks, and the smell of both potentially agitating the bees. There will also be sweet foods and drinks that will interest the bees. Quite a cocktail.
Set the bees loose and we'll all come up for a party..
Farmer is of opinion that bees are part of the meadow and countryside atmosphere the guests want and would really rather not disturb them. Will plan for shutting in and moving to nearby copse (nearer than buildings) and screening off. Will wait for weather forecast too - if tipping down then all a bit moot. Thanks for your help all!
Make sure you do not underestimate the stupidity of drunken wedding any signs with "Bees" may be taken as an invitation to throw stones at hives....

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