Bee friendly weed killer

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Drone Bee
Jun 3, 2012
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A plot holder on our site has asked me today what weedkiller he can use.

Any suggestions for him?

A plot holder on our site has asked me today what weedkiller he can use.

Any suggestions for him?


There are some organic (mainly home made) weedkillers see:

I can't say that I've ever used them ... I tend to dig weeds up - even when I took on a new allotment that was knee deep in docks, brambles and goose grass the only way as far as I was concerned was to take the turf off, stack it to rot down and then dig out the weeds with deep roots. There will always be some coming back but if you persevere, over a few years, it gets better.

The other way is to cover the ground with black polythene and leave it down for a month or few ... that will kill off the weeds as they germinate and then die for lack of light. Again, there will always be some seeds left that will germinate but dig it over and then cover it again. Bee friendly (and other insect friendly) inevitably means time and/or effort.

It's hard work but a lot safer than Glycophosphate.

I use Glyphosate around the hives when I have to, best to do it late in the evening - best for the bees and for effectiveness in controlling the weeds

Or would people rather he used bee unfriendly weedkiller?
And put an extra bit in the mix to be sure

I use the commercial strength stuff you get from the farmer's coop - a honey jar full of weedkiller to a gallon of water does everything - knotweed, rhododendrons, the lot
I use the commercial strength stuff you get from the farmer's coop - a honey jar full of weedkiller to a gallon of water does everything - knotweed, rhododendrons, the lot

Got a name for it JBM?
A couple of points on this one. As someone who uses these products on a daily basis DO NOT use measurements as imprecise as honey jars in a gallon of water. READ the label and do precisely as it says, buy yourself some form of measuring jug solely for the purpose, and use a proper sprayer with some form of low drift nozzle and the approved protective equipment.
I seem to remember reading a long time ago that there were problems with bees when they come into contact with the surfactant in Glyphosate, this breaks down surface tension in water and helps the solution stick to the foliage rather than run off in beads.
All of the above said, and I do use a far amount of Glyphosate based mixes at work, I don't use it around my own hives, just get a pair of shears out once in a while!
weedkillers kill weeds.
pesticides kill bees.

he can use any weedkiller he likes (including sweat). it's the bug sprays he/you needs to be concerned about.
a honey jar full of weedkiller to a gallon of water does everything

I'm not surpised. That is about three times the strength recommended for most applications.