Bee Base

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Jun 4, 2015
Reaction score
Co / Durham / Co Cleveland and Northumberland
Hive Type
Number of Hives
17 nucs....
I don't know if it is a bad thing or a good thing but i logged onto bee base last month, i was on there today and around my hive location there is 40 apiaries in a 10km radius, to me that sounds quite a lot, how accurate are these figures. ? .
I don't know if it is a bad thing or a good thing but i logged onto bee base last month, i was on there today and around my hive location there is 40 apiaries in a 10km radius, to me that sounds quite a lot, how accurate are these figures. ? .

As accurate as the data input!!

Despite calls from the Animal and Plant Histerical Association for all of us beeks to keep their data up to date by logging new sites and deleting old ones, with despicable fifth columnists abounding in the Kingdom at present... some are even putting up "ghost" apiaries so that they can see what is rocking up next to them with their foreign pox infected colonies!
Probably UKIPPER members taking revenge on the electorial system.


Nos da
I don't know if it is a bad thing or a good thing but i logged onto bee base last month, i was on there today and around my hive location there is 40 apiaries in a 10km radius, to me that sounds quite a lot, how accurate are these figures. ? .

I did the same and I have 40 apiaries around me, seems strange cos I no there isn't
I don't know if it is a bad thing or a good thing but i logged onto bee base last month, i was on there today and around my hive location there is 40 apiaries in a 10km radius, to me that sounds quite a lot, how accurate are these figures. ? .

According to the database I have 297, 332, 394, 404 apiaries around my apiaries although some of the numbers will overlap.

How many are no longer in use? how many are one hive? How many are poorly managed and not able to forage to their potential?

Who cares as I gave up thinking about them years ago. What counts is average yield year on year and if you are happy or not.
I ... was on [Beebase] today and around my hive location there is 40 apiaries in a 10km radius, to me that sounds quite a lot, how accurate are these figures. ?

40 within 10km radius isn't a lot by most standards, all my sites have well over 100 nearby.

It's as accurate as the people who input the data, and it's apiaries not colonies. One apiary could be 50 colonies, another could be only one or could be empty at this time of year. How many beefarmers will have the time to update everything each time they move their bees to or from a site?
Also a 10km radius is a huge area and even with the quantities of apiaries in my locations they could all be so far away as to be no threat to my bees and their forage. A 5km radius would give us something to think about

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