BBC 2 8:00 African honey bees

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why don't they use the right words? Eggs in her belly?
Interesting about the elephants - heard about it but not actually seen it before.
Well, I didn't know African Honey Bees migrated.
A bit naff with its turn of phrase but I'm quite enjoying it......
Oh there's more.....extinct wild bees, Bug celebrities.........oh well!
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And London beekeepers saving the bee.
I think their heart was in the right place.
Suppose it helps all of usin the long run.
was the beehaus .....product placement, how do they get it on almost every Bee show on TV
Really? Who writes this stuff?

Oh there's more.....extinct wild bees

Exactly, one of my pet hates.

Definition; ex·tinct
   [ik-stingkt] Show IPA

no longer in existence; that has ended or died out: an extinct species of fish.

no longer in use; obsolete: an extinct custom.

extinguished; quenched; not burning.

having ceased eruption; no longer active: an extinct volcano
great up until urban beekeepers and bbka save the honey bee and probably the world
Hallshoney - Do Queen bees not need to breed in your neck of the world??
of course but according to the last ten minutes of that program i will soon have to get my bees from london or at least east of the m25 because all mine have died out from insecticides and the vast mono culture that has taken over the country side.
So the bees are being saved by the urban beekeeper to 'repopulate' the rest of the country... what about varroa on wild bees!
Hearts in the right place and the information althought basic, at least was some for the general public, as said, a bit romantic in tone.
The pictures (Photography/Cinematography?) were absolutely amazing IMHO.
And using bees to protect crops from elephants - very ingenious :cool:
It was just a programme, for the general public, not for beekeepers. Does this require correct terminology and in depth information? Not really :)