No more to tell other than all the info in the group posts, I assume the question was jocular, just be aware of measures for the future. As they say, fore warned is fore armed, ignoring them won't make them go away. Being aware of solutions before the event is just sensible, as
See the map, red bits are known sightings, or this from a few years ago
National Bee Unit confirm another sighting of the Vespa velutina Asian hornet in Woolacombe in Devon BBKA already on the case I believe.
The UK doesent have a real problem as yet, then neither did France in 2004, took 16 years to cover all of france and into spain (2010), portugal, belgium (2011). But then they let it get a hold, Uk seems to be trying to slow it but if they are there they will spread.
I have had them at my hives this year, leaves are falling from the trees and despite checking can't see a nest. Like I said I had 2-3/hr in summer and saw them because I put a camera on the hives otherwise I wouldn't have known unless by accident.
For those in the south of the UK worth just noting the measures to protect individual hives, like muzzles, so if they turn up you will remember this. Governments can't get rid of them all once established, just slow them down, all you can do is keep them away from the entrance so they don't pin them inside. Think it is technically called foraging paralysis.