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We feed thymol augmented syrup and dont seem to worry about the thymol getting into any supers that are on at the time or where the syrup ultimately ends up.
In your honey
I had “medicinal” tasting honey once in my first year. 😂😂 I gave some away before I tumbled to what it was. Strangely people liked it. I was mortified.
In your honey
I had “medicinal” tasting honey once in my first year. 😂😂 I gave some away before I tumbled to what it was. Strangely people liked it. I was mortified.
People seem to like all sorts of stuff in their honey. My local commercial beekeeper does a range of infused honeys eg tumeric, festive spices, cinnamon, blackcurrant, ginger and lemon all at £12/lb. Each to their own.
In your honey
I had “medicinal” tasting honey once in my first year. 😂😂 I gave some away before I tumbled to what it was. Strangely people liked it. I was mortified.
One of the reasons I try to overwinter on natural stores rather than feed, though I did put som fondant on some hives last winter (unnecessarily in some cases), as a result I still have one deep box I'll only use for winter feed if needed.
I was thinking of people who you use brood and a half or nadir supers
they wouldn't store it in nadired supers and if they are mad enough to use brood and a half, then the shallow remains as part of the brood area and doesn't become a honey super
Thanks for that.

It made me think about Apiguard; where supers are to be removed during the month long application. Its basically thymol.
What do we know about residual thymol levels in wax and honey after treatment?

I put a couple of extracted supers back on above the crown boards to be cleaned out whilst Apiguard was still being given. Probably not a good idea really. But I wonder how much thymol would they have absorbed in the 3 days they were on.

We feed thymol augmented syrup and dont seem to worry about the thymol getting into any supers that are on at the time or where the syrup ultimately ends up.
I'm not sure how much Thymol would be harmful.
I had a jar of honey from an apiguard treated hive and it had a slightly antiseptic taste.
I quite liked the taste and apart from the antennae on top of my head no ill effects.
We put it in all sorts of things, toothpaste being an example