Anyone been to New Zealand?

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Jul 1, 2012
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I'm staying in Christchurch in late January and will be meeting some beekeepers & seeing apiaries etc.

However, aside from bee stuff, has anyone been to NZ and if so what were the things you did or saw that you most enjoyed? Any tips?

I enjoyed a whale-watching trip in Kaikura. The "Cresta Run" in Queenstown is exciting and the road over Arthur's Pass is a must see. Avoid Greymouth - it's a bit of a dump, plus it always seems to rain in Dunedin.

Christchurch itself has a lot to offer although I have not been there since the earthquake. The park near the museum was good to watch the antics of the outdoor weddings!

Don't believe it will be warm. We had to buy coats!. If you are hiring a car always ask for an upgrade we got some brilliant upgrades.if you get the chance to eat crayfish then do, like lobsters there's
We spent a couple of weeks driving round the south island and you find yourself stopping at the side of the road taking in the view - if you just drive from A-to-B on a tight schedule you'll miss some staggering sights.

Heli-Hiking on one of the glaciers was a good fun - I think we did Fox rather than Franz-Joseph. Weather permitting, a flight (or cruise) around Milford Sound is a good way to see the landscape in that area.

Dunedin was okay, but we specifically went there to do an early morning penguin watching activity and then headed off. Kaikoura for whale watching as mentioned above. If you want to know how an egg feels when it's being boiled, you could spend some time in Hanmer Springs (or similar).

If you're in Queenstown there'll be no shortage of people offering experiences for you - if they describe something as needing 'an average level of fitness' that probably means your guide has the average level of fitness of a mountain goat, not a human!

The overwhelming majority of locals we met were incredibly friendly and seemed to appreciate that you'd traveled an incredibly long way to see what they country has to offer.
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Lesley and I spent a couple weeks on the North island in 2016, for a speaking engagement. Beautiful country. Great people. Got a good tour. Apiaries all over the island. Bee trucks on the highway. Thoroughly enjoyed our time.

Neither of us are bungee jumpers or maintain climbers. More into quieter distractions. One beekeeper and his father took us trout fishing. Wow, the Rainbows are large and plentiful. All catch and release. Lesley still can't wipe the smile.

One of the most outstanding things...Frank L took me to a farm north of Wellington, where he keeps and apiary. We arrived after dark, and the farmer took us down a forest path...Down by a small stream, with a tall, 20 foot vertical bank at stream's edge. Eels swimming up the stream. Sat on the farmer's bench, in the dark, and ...covering the bank was an amazing array of Glow Worms! Thousands! Our own private viewing of something most never get to see.

So, just be sure to see the natural wonders of New Zealand.

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