Rod Dawson
New Bee
I am looking to get restocked from a swarm after losing my colony this winter. Have any swarms been reported in the North of England?
I am looking to get restocked from a swarm after losing my colony this winter. Have any swarms been reported in the North of England?
I am looking to get restocked from a swarm after losing my colony this winter. Have any swarms been reported in the North of England?
You could put adverts in shop windows. You might even get paid by grateful householders
You could put adverts in shop windows. You might even get paid by grateful householders
Trust a Yorkshireman to find a way of making money out of something that's free ! (I'm an exiled Yorkshireman so this is a permitted post )
Another possible source of swarms is getting in with some local pest controllers, I have one who provides me with the chance of getting a swarm at least once a year.
take my wife....
I have a few colleagues from Yorkshire. One of them in particular (we worked alongside each other for years) had perfected 'being careful' into an art form.
Years ago i noticed he was a bit distracted and thoughtful - it transpired that his mother had been offered 'the right to buy' her council house for a ridiculously small price, knowing of his deep and longstanding love of money I pointed out to him that if he bought it, it would be a fantastic investment, and as an aside she could live the rest of her life (she was in her eighties by this time) in the comfort of the thought she was secure in a home they couldn't take from her. 'I know that' he said glumly (but then is there any other way for a tyke?) 'but what if she falls behind in the rent?'.......!!
When we worked in Holland all the rest of the crew bought their wifes diamonds back from Amsterdam - he bought a hoover in a closing down sale.
How much are you going to pay them for these swarms you hope to collect?
It is Yorkshire you know, and once they find out that bees are at a premium........................