another plea for help....

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Drone Bee
Jan 20, 2014
Reaction score
Bont, near Swansea
Hive Type
Number of Hives
more than before
Does anyone know the name of a little tool, (hold on now boys and girls), which has moveable "needles". When the needles are pushed against a moulding/architrave, they create a sort of negative of the outline, which can then be used to repeat the shape of the moulding. I seem to remember that they were used by carpet fitters, way back in the day.

I have tried every permutation of description I can think of on a well known search engine, but failed utterly. (I do know all the tricks of fitting any kind of floor covering now though...) Perhaps they have been superseded by lasers, or something else teckky, by now. Any ideas?

ta muchly
that's the boy - thank you very much gentlemen.

We're not Only beeks on here.
Full marks to the previous posters who beat me to it!
B&Q sell them too.
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We're not Only beeks on here.
Full marks to the previous posters who beat me to it!

Absolutely! This is my first port of call these days, when I'm stuck - such a vast wealth of knowledge to tap into. :hurray:
So far, every plea has been answered and solved, thanks to the generous souls who inhabit this place.
such a vast wealth of knowledge to tap into

Here's one........
Where have all my Siskins gone?
Last year the feeders were swarming with them . This year, not a one!
Cats? Flying predators? Gone further south, 'cos it's colder? Poor breeding season?

Don't know really, but a few suggestions.

Regards, RAB
I'm sure it's to do with their migratory patterns. However, spotted two this morning......and lots of Greenfinches. :)
such a vast wealth of knowledge to tap into

Here's one........
Where have all my Siskins gone?
Last year the feeders were swarming with them . This year, not a one!

Ditto, yet according to the BTO:

they are on the increase :confused:

As well as the lack of siskins, I can't remember when I last saw a greenfinch in the garden (but now I know why that might be). I also used to have goldfinches by the two dozen - now it's two, or three at most.

In my case, I believe that changes to the local habitats have caused the decline of most species I see. Despite being urban, my garden used to have loads of old hedges around it, (for "old hedge", read "linear features of overgrown hawthorn") , copsey-type groups of trees and neighbours who tolerated a few brambles and weeds in their gardens. The hedges have been mostly cleared, the trees felled and the new neighbours have sterile seas of lawn on which they wage war every weekend....

I suspect that all those bits of habitat gave cover for birds moving to and from the woodland, half a mile away. Oh, and the town council has "tidied" that up, with the consequent affect on wildlife. We used to have woodcock in that wood and a deafening dawn chorus. No more....

oops, rant over, sorry

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