Another beekeeping delicacy

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remember once finding a large catering can of roast chicken with truffles in aspic tucked away on a shelf in our cold room which I insisted we opened, this was about 1977, my father reckoned it had been there long before I was born - it was fine!
All these "odd" foods are just a matter of convention and culture or experience.
I do remember working in a parisian company one summer as a student and enjoying a pie in the canteen, though it was a bit rich. Once I'd had enough I lifted to crust to find the filling was brains (calves brains I think), at that point I really didn't want any more! 😅
My mother used to feed cooked brains to me and my brother when we were young. I'm sure she was convinced this would increase our IQs. For some bizarre reason she used to paint our eyelashes with something to make them grow longer. This was late 1940s. Whenever my maternal granny visited they would sit down together and drink Epsom Salts (magnesium sulphate crystals dissolved in water) from a saucer.
Spare a thought for our dog: it was fed boiled lights (lungs). The smell of these cooking was revolting.