Another 4 new beeks

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Queen Bee
Aug 24, 2009
Reaction score
Wiltshire, Somerset, S Glos & S Oxfordshire
Hive Type
Just completed another course this afternoon, and have 4 new beeks in the offing for next spring. One has bought a beehaus, the others are undecided as yet.

Ages range 15-50. one interested in beekeeping for bees (ie, pollination, micro biology) the other for honey for his B&B.


Well done Somerford,four more recruits to join the world of the insane.
I'll run one off now. I can think of three types mind you.

Complete Novice, open to all new ideas however wacky and buys all the kit he/she can see

Master Craftsman - I believe beekeepers are born, you can't learn this ancient craft in anything less than 40 years

Jack of all - master of none, especially the bees !
Ormskirk and Croston beekeepers 50 new beeks in 2 years ,
It's new beekeepers that are important not the latest gimmick :).

John Wilkinson
You lucky chap ... My parent's couldn't stretch to a padded cell. I got chained to the village pound instead!
You lucky chap ... My parent's couldn't stretch to a padded cell. I got chained to the village pound instead!

A village pound? A village pound? Young man, in my day we were never lucky enough to have a village pound.........a cardboard box however, now that's more like it.

(reminds me of that Monty Python sketch!)
Yes,thats me,thought that film had been destroyed,top secret you know...Shhhh.
Shame... especially after you outed me so well ... (hic!)

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