All is well...But Swarm preparation

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Field Bee
Jun 29, 2015
Reaction score
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Number of Hives
20 odd
Ive got a kick ass colony, two broods, two supers and considering a third. All is well on inspections about to do my second full one at the weekend.

Last year (second year since my original NUC, I am not beginning the third), I had a swarm. In fact I had a big swarm and then a further one (initial rescued and given to my club, second went to nature). Colony back to normal.

This year I am prepared. More thorough inspections, and also a 6 frame hive, with floor, entrance, roof etc in case I need to perform a swarm prevention.

Having read up, I like the idea of the find-and-destroy-all-but-one-QCs-find-old queen-and-move-with-three-frames-and-nurse-bees-to-small-hive-a-decent-distance-away method.

Given I have had so much invaluable advice, I though I would ask for "do's" and "dont's" on this method to make sure I am good and confident should I need it.

Any decent Youtube clips?

PS I am not expecting anything this year - this all about preparation. Figure there may be others who would appreciate also.....
The method you use for swarm control can often depend on what time of the year your main nectar flow is and if you want to minimise loss of bees/honey/stores when you need them most.
Try different methods so that you can use any when the necessity arises.
With the queen removal method it is essential to only leave one queen cell as it does not defuse the swarming urge. Check again after 5 days and if you are not entirely confident check again after a further 3 days. Provided you do not leave more than 1 it works well.
With the queen removal method it is essential to only leave one queen cell as it does not defuse the swarming urge. Check again after 5 days and if you are not entirely confident check again after a further 3 days. Provided you do not leave more than 1 it works well.

What happens if you miss one or two? Do you get a fight? Or an in-cell assassination? Or could you get two queens and then a flight with one of the virgins?

If the latter, is there any noticeable difference in swarm size?

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