All drone brood and angry bees!

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Erichalfbee's advice was good ... shaking them out in this situation is the safest option ... without finding the drone laying queen there is every chance that she will continue to lay drones in the box that she is in ... if she's a slim queen she could slip through the queen excluder which would not be good.

And .. you still have the problem, having combined them, that you have two boxes with a queen in each ... I would worry less about the feed situation - more about where this plan is going at present.

Worried as had a super above the good Q hive then the QE then DLQ brood box and it's super above that. Worried that Q pheromones might not reach top bb & super (i.e. Bit like a demaree) so I looked today pm and paper not chewed at all. Decided not to mess about any more and took advice to shake out all bees from DLQ bb & super. Not huge no sod bees and all went back into the hive...hopefully to be accepted. I did narrow the entrance. More lessons learnt!!