Aggressive Hive - Running Out of Options

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Just a poor choice of words.

Rehab is making a change, the hoped for outcome is usually for the better.

Moving bees from A to B will not change them just move the issues from one place to another. A safer place though for the neighbours.

Just a poor choice of words. PH

No, it is hoped by the OP the colony (for it is the colony that is the thing) will be restored to its former condition, therefore the choice was not inappropriate at all.
...Had the same problem!
On the assumption that it is the queen, rather than the workers ultimately causing the aggression/defensive problem, I 'newspapered' the supers of the bad hive onto other colonies (thus saving a majority of the bees) then securely strapped the brood box and mesh floor, covered with a travelling screen together, then lowered the lot into a deep freeze.
Never used the 'petrol' method to kill the colony, but using the freezer method, the frames are uncontaminated and presumably safe to reuse after brushing all the dead bees into the recycling bin.
If I hadn't had somewhere else to put them I'd have killed them. If that makes me a wuss, then so be it. My neighbours' welfare is ultimately more important than my amateur attempts to harvest honey.

As you rightly say, neighbours welfare is extremely important, but you also say if you hadn't had somewhere else you would have had to kill them, as if you wouldn't have had the choice.

You would have a choice. A forum is a good way of giving and acquiring information to help others. It is also a network to help provide alternatives for in this case, condemnation of the creatures we attempt to keep.

You could kill them or you could give them away to someone that has the fortune of an out apiary and has the will to take them on... that would be your choice.
If there are no takers, then you would have no choice.

Naturally there are some beekeepers that might say 'why should I', or 'sod anyone else', or 'I don't think anyone else should allowed to have them', but then that is the single minded and dictative mentallity is of those that run the 'other' forum.