Advice please

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user 16629

New Bee
Aug 10, 2017
Reaction score
Newish to this beekeeping and still asking questions! I am getting my hives ready for winter, I have a few frames with honey (some capped) in one super and want to reduce the hive down to brood box only. How do I encourage my bees to transfer these store into the brood box , if I keep them in a super there will be too much space but I don't want to waste the honey? Any advice gratefully received-Thanks
As above. Put whole box under brood box but not if you have had wasp problem. You can remove it early winter or spring but leave it too long and they will start using it in the late spring. Always remove queen excluder.
I put empty super over crown board with small hole in it. Then another super with a coup!e of frames at a time. I always score capped honey. It takes them a few days to take it down.
Only put this on in the evening to stop robbing and never leave a gap for other bees to get invia the roof etc.
Thank you

Thank you for your kind advice, I will try over the crown board as I lost a hive to wasps last year.

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