New Bee
Looking for a bit of advice if possible... We have discovered what we think is a bees nest in our compost bin - lots of activity in and out the front hatch approx 40-50 bees in and out in a minute. Haven't used the compost bin since last year so there is potentially a largeish space inside as the compost has rotted away. Haven't opened the lid or anything as didn't want to disturb them. We can hear a loudish buzzing sound when you get close to the bin.
I've tried to make an educated guess that they are honey bees but am not 100% sure. I'm positive they are not wasps and they are definitely not bumble bees as we have lots of them buzzing around our fruit trees at the moment. I'm a massive nature lover and would love a colony of bees in my garden but unfortunately I react badly to insect bites and stings so have to minimise my chance of getting stung.
After doing some online research it seems that it is unusual for honey bees to make a colony in a compost bin which is why I'm after some help with identification.
I've tried to attach some pictures, apologies they are not very clear but it was as close as I was willing to get!
many thanks for anyones help...
Looking for a bit of advice if possible... We have discovered what we think is a bees nest in our compost bin - lots of activity in and out the front hatch approx 40-50 bees in and out in a minute. Haven't used the compost bin since last year so there is potentially a largeish space inside as the compost has rotted away. Haven't opened the lid or anything as didn't want to disturb them. We can hear a loudish buzzing sound when you get close to the bin.
I've tried to make an educated guess that they are honey bees but am not 100% sure. I'm positive they are not wasps and they are definitely not bumble bees as we have lots of them buzzing around our fruit trees at the moment. I'm a massive nature lover and would love a colony of bees in my garden but unfortunately I react badly to insect bites and stings so have to minimise my chance of getting stung.
After doing some online research it seems that it is unusual for honey bees to make a colony in a compost bin which is why I'm after some help with identification.
I've tried to attach some pictures, apologies they are not very clear but it was as close as I was willing to get!
many thanks for anyones help...