Add a super or not?

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New Bee
Mar 14, 2011
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I am a rookie, so don't have many opinions of my own yet. I have one colony in a poly langstroth jumbo which was hived from a swarm about a fortnight ago. The bees have drawn all the frames and seem well set. I have made up a super which I was going to put on. I'm not really expecting much, but perhaps the bees will draw our the foundation a bit ready for next year if I keep feeding them. I wouldn't want them to get bored. Is there any reason why I should not put the super on?

All the best

I should ahve said that I am going away for three weeks from the middle of next week.

Yes put on

It will keep them busy and with you going way you have given them room to expand and can relax.

I'd get it on asap, especially if you are going away.
I hived a swarm 3 weeks ago - they just swarmed again (and I lost them this time) because they'd filled the entire brood box with honey. If I'd put a super on a week ago they'd still be there.
It sounds very quick to be adding a super. One option would be to add it, but with a sheet of newspaper over the queen excluder. they can break in if they need the space, but won't have a big empty void over their heads if they don't.
It sounds very quick to be adding a super. One option would be to add it, but with a sheet of newspaper over the queen excluder. they can break in if they need the space, but won't have a big empty void over their heads if they don't.

All the frames drawn out, main honey flow on and going away for three weeks in a few days. I'd say it couldn't be soon enough.
I am a rookie, so don't have many opinions of my own yet. I have one colony in a poly langstroth jumbo which was hived from a swarm about a fortnight ago. The bees have drawn all the frames and seem well set. I have made up a super which I was going to put on. I'm not really expecting much, but perhaps the bees will draw our the foundation a bit ready for next year if I keep feeding them. I wouldn't want them to get bored. Is there any reason why I should not put the super on?

All the best


I use poly langstroth boxes , the flow is not over here yet , plenty of blackberry still to flower, the clover hasn't even started on top of that the ivy will come & they will pack it in . I would give them another brood box & leave the queen excluder off. They will draw it if they want it. I have also found last winter that all my colonies were on double brood boxes ( 10 langstroth frames) & by the time the spring inspection was done in March they had 10 - 12 fames cleaned out completely. They needed every bit of that storage over the winter.
Thanks for all the responses. I think on balance I'll put the super on. I made up the frames with foundation earlier as the bees were going so fast I was sure they would need it and now the foundation will go stale if I don't do something with it.

All the best

Thanks for all the responses. I think on balance I'll put the super on. I made up the frames with foundation earlier as the bees were going so fast I was sure they would need it and now the foundation will go stale if I don't do something with it.

All the best

It's a bit like when you get your first colony, euophoria! The you find that you need a second hive NOW. Was up 'til 3 am yesterday waxing frames for a newbee friend who was in a panic as bees had drawn out filled and capped a super in a week. Has found Q cells. Hope to save situation. If in doubt put supers on before you think you NEED to.
As you're going away for 3 weeks, then yes the super can go on. if you come back and it's empty then no real harm done.
Swarms are very good at drawing foundation - as you have discovered! If you have brood int there you have a viable colony for the winter :)
Well I put the super on and the contact feeder on top, to get them started. The bees seem to be ignoring the super, which I am not too worried about, but they are also not going to the feeder any more at all. Should I take the queen excluder off to encourage them to have a look upstairs. If I do, how do I ensure I get the queen out of the super? Can I encourage them to explore by painting a few frames in golden syrop or something?
I'm in a similar position to you in that my swarm is only a week in the hive. Being a large'ish swarm I added a super, without a QE, just to give them additional space. My intention is more to get them ready for winter than extracting honey. They've already drawn more than half the super frames in 3-4 days and filled with the syrup.
I'd suggest removing the QE and dribble some syrup down from the feeder. They should be up in a flash.

My mentor also sprinkled icing sugar over the new arrivals, as a verroa treatment, as they haven't any sealed brood so their cleaning off activity should be alot more effective than applying icing sugar to an established colony.

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