Well, a busy day indeed. Collected my two little helpers, and we loaded up the trailer with 95 % of the spare kit to bring home , renovate, sort, repair, sulphur smoke and paint.Everything went well until I decided to speed things up on the sulphur front.....and thats why you use a sulphur burner as the strips in one stack decided to set the bl**dy stack ablaze. Luckily my sixth sense was working and I only ended up with a scorched super, 2 top bars and a couple of melted 14x*12 frames......Loads of dead bugs, moths, grubs etc.And I discovered the motherlode of wax moth colonies.....I had to use a hammer and heel to break apart a brood that had stuck inside a roof, and then it took 5 mins to prise the crown board out.....1000s of cocoons.....all now dead thanks to the sulphur.Then drove everything back and stacked in newly sorted piles as the heavens opened....And the reward was a nice Jura whisky and 2 v tired little helpersATTACH]37[/ATTACH]