23rd July

Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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Built up some sn4 frames for the bees to expand into when they take it into their heads. Checked all 3 hives.
No 1 very grouchy so simply checked the end frames and the frame which had had the open charged queen cell at the last inspection. This cell is still sealed but possibly due to emerge tomorrow so the hive is still queenless.
No 2 drawing a lot of comb and bringing in stores. I didn't disturb the brood as they are almost certainly at queen emergence stage but gave them a super to ensure adequate space for stores and any new queen to have room in the brood when she wants it after mating.
No 3 (the swarm hive) is drawing beautiful white wax comb and I saw some nice larvae plus some capped brood, Five of the frames being stocked in classic honey arches and Tiger Lily was on frame 7 from the front of the hive. An empty queen cell seen but it appeared to be in the process of being dismantled by the bees. About a frame of foundation to go but there is a super for them to move into when they decide to go upstairs. A couple of really heavy frames (half capped) of honey at the front of the hive.
Rained last night and most of the morning then we had some sun and dry weather this afternoon so the foragers got busy. As I was completing I could hear thunder in the distance and about half an hour later the rain came on again.

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