Released a queen in a friend's hive this Summer, the attendants simply strolled onto the comb and joined the rest.
Released a queen in a friend's hive this Summer, the attendants simply strolled onto the comb and joined the rest.
i had two failed attempts last year
followed instructions to letter...left in travel cage between frames for 3-4 days or however many it was...first with attendant and second without
released with candy plug in situ
both colonies were v definitely queenless
both queens dead at front of hive a few days later
one colony became a laying worker
the other i merged
c. re our buckfast colony...people say 2nd generation can be a little using the eggs from a buckfast colony to create q cells akin to this being 2nd generation? prob a daft question....
very helpful as ever
it was june time
i have just been watching videos of the Miller method etc and wondering about trying to get capped q cells that way and considering the need for mating hive etc
a. not sure why they put the capped cell into a tapered cage and into a mating hive
b. what time of year to have a go at this (april ish?)
c. re our buckfast colony...people say 2nd generation can be a little using the eggs from a buckfast colony to create q cells akin to this being 2nd generation? prob a daft question....