While collecting cackleberries this afternoon I glanced out at the apiary and realised a small clump (small saucer size) of bees were gathered around something on the floor next to the stand for hive 6 which had swarmed on the 5th, leaving a capped queen cell.
I suited up, went down to the apiary and knelt down to slide a piece of card under the bees. As I did this a young queen walked onto my finger! The only hive I could reconcile with a queen taking a flight from was no. 6 so I placed her on the landing board and she walked straight in with a greeting from the guard bee. Other bees gathered at the entrance and began fanning so I have every hope my choice of hive was correct.
I suited up, went down to the apiary and knelt down to slide a piece of card under the bees. As I did this a young queen walked onto my finger! The only hive I could reconcile with a queen taking a flight from was no. 6 so I placed her on the landing board and she walked straight in with a greeting from the guard bee. Other bees gathered at the entrance and began fanning so I have every hope my choice of hive was correct.