16th July - another afternoon at the association apiary

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The Apiguard orders were being taken so attendance numbers were higher than usual.
The beginners inspected their colonies with the exception of Becky so I checked hers for her. Still expanding and with well laid pattern of brood. There is going to be a surge in numbers when it emerges.
The hive which received the test frame last week had drawn two queen cells. Both were left as heir and a spare. Also a swarm had been placed in a nuc next to this colony as a potential plan b if the test frame hadn't worked. It may still be united to form a strong colony for winter.
The third beginners colony was inspected and was building up in numbers although not a lot of stores. The queen was found and marked using a crown of thorns. On completion the colony was given a couple of litres of 1:1 syrup to help out with the lack of stores.
Balsam seems to be growing nicely so the forage situation should dramatically improve.