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  1. T

    Votes Please?

    Done All I can tell you is that it is a very long way north!
  2. T

    A Sad and Fond Farewell

    A good thought. I have on occasion pressed the current Lady DD into service as an underbeekeeper. But I rather doubt where, in the absence of my gentle but firm supervision, she will be able to sustain the principal role. Sadly, the faithful family retainers are not up to it, either...
  3. T

    A Sad and Fond Farewell

    Went to check the hives last weekend. One very happy and productive one: the other, the hive from hell. Got attacked in a way that had never happened before - and somehow a couple of the little blighters found their way into my suit, and stung me. Allergic reaction! I am now the owner of...
  4. T

    frame direction

    I generally use the cold way (just because it seems convenient to us). On occasion, though, the current Lady DD has accidentally then put a super on the warm way. I am not sure that the bees cared a great deal - but it did confuse me!
  5. T

    What's the best thing to burn in smoker?

    The current Lady DD and I use torn up egg cartons - lit by a chef's blowtorch (rather upsets the chef, but that can't be helped!). Seems to work, though we are as sparing as can be with smoke anyway.
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    Wasps in the Honey!

    The current Lady DD is certainly of more use in the apiary. But then, she is not so good at catching rats ... Not an easy choice, really. Hence my original enquiry.
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    Has anyone ever built a honey extractor?

    Milker Mel did some years ago. But I don't know if she still visits this forum.
  8. T

    Wasps in the Honey!

    I bit of advice, please (preferably of the non-abusive variety). The two last supers of honey (no time to extract immediately) were, I thought, safely secure from wasps and other predators. The wasps have, however, found their way in. They have taken some of the honey, but there remain a...
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    Ever Been Stung By A Queen

    I would just settle for finding her!
  10. T

    Winter super configuration. Top or bottom?

    I run brood and a half nationals (I know that is a practice scorned by some on here - but it works for me). I put the half brood underneath over winter for the reasons given by Dusty.
  11. T

    Fair warning

    Mine are on brood and a half, with the half brood at the top. The upper parts at packed full of bees and capped brood, with little in the way of stores. The bottoms are virtually empty of everything! Ambrosia on and disappearing with a vengeance!!
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    flavoured honey

    I am sure it was very nice... But by and large the current Lady DD and I prefer honey-flavoured honey.
  13. T

    Part-filled frames

    Many thanks for the helpful responses. Of course, it's too wet to do anything today! (Unless, of course, I despatch the current Lady DD to the apiary to do it for me
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    Part-filled frames

    It's that time of year again, when reality begins to triumph over hope (yet again) and I begin to look for honey from my hive(s). Invariably, my bees are disorganised, and fail dismally fully to seal each frame as they finish with it. Still less do they complete super A before moving to...
  15. T

    Help: WASPS in the Bee Shed!

    I am remiss in not recording sooner my gratitude for the professional and helpful responses to my original enquiry. For a novice beekeeper like me, it is the thought that I can always rely on thoughtful, non-condescending and constructive replies to apparently naive questions that makes it...
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    Help: WASPS in the Bee Shed!

    :o:o Any ideas?? I have a wonderful shed in which I keep all of my beekeeping equipment - including spare drawn supers etc. I now appear to have a colony of wasps which I think have built a nest in there, too! :rant: I really need to dispose of them. I am guessing that an insecticide...
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    How Much honey did you get this year?

    Honey? Honey? What's that????? :cuss::cuss::cuss::cuss::cuss:
  18. T

    New beekeeper

    :iagree: You may find it more valuable to spend the winter reading beekeeping books, and perhaps attending the meeting of your local beekeeping group, where you will gain a great deal of useful information.
  19. T

    Why so Aggressive suddenly?

    Could it be that they have more to protect now? My hives have been sweetness and light all through this woeful summer. But I have had the impression during the last inspection or two that what little stores they have managed to gather they are determined to hold on to!