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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. F

    BBKA ADM Propositions

    I'm in Bucks and pleased to hear this. I've given up queen rearing because of the aggressiveness I get from local population. Takes the fun out of it. A local breeder who imports the queen rearing stock has provided me with fantastic queens that with care don't require replacing that often...
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    Over grazing on common land

    It's always potentially a problem if the grazers don't work together. Same as the seas. Tragedy of the commons - nothing new I'm afraid.
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    Late Flowering Plants For Bees

    Mahonia good - mine is out and being visited
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    Biggest challenge for complete beginner

    Dealing with an aggressive colony Not getting tempted to constantly tinker.
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    Bl##dy Hornets.

    Totally agree. Sadly not a lot of people do though. Was reading the Thornes newsletter and some chump was gloating about wasp extermination. Some real plonkers about
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    Wasps Still Feeding Brood

    I've hardly seen a wasp. Very few around hives and none on the plums
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    very aggressive bees

    I'm fed up with the local drone population. I've accepted that trying to raise my own queens is nigh on impossible. Having bought in from a reputable supplier last year I can't believe the difference. Calm, productive and not trying to swarm at a drop of the hat. £40 well spent (and paid back...
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    tips on strumming around a hive

    Old fashioned slasher - don't need nowt but muscle power for those and bees never bothered
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    Warnings, from beginners to beginners

    Don't try and persevere with aggressive bees. Just not worth it - although with local open mating easier said than done!
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    Bees reducing in number

    Could be many reasons: The colony could be issuing out cast swarms; or you may have a disease problem like Varoaa affecting it for example; or the colony may have become queen less and so new bees are not being bred. If you can't see any eggs sounds like there is no laying queen in there -...
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    Thoughts on Aggression

    I'm getting very fed up with my local drone population. Last year placid colony, supersedure happened late summer (marked queen gone replaced at first inspection). Now monsters. Not changed anything from my approach last year just people tolerating aggressive bees. Even had one beek in the...
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    Switching from leather to nitriles revolutionised my beekeeping experience. Suddenly I had nice bees without the need for requeening!
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    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    A TBH hive I'm using as a bait hive has attracted something - although not a swarm but a blue tit! Will be plenty of space inside, hope a passing swarm doesn't evict her.
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    EMERGENCY sheep/bee attack...

    Ive noticed cattle don't seem too bothered. They always follow me up the 15 acre grass field and watch over the gate when inspecting and never seem to budge. It's the flies biting that make them run.
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    Attack On Member of Public

    If I was bitten by a dog off the lead I would not be best pleased so I take similar viewpoint from managing bees - I have put them there and if people do get stung whilst going about their business I would take some responsibility. Like the previous post, an apology, offer of honey is best in...
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    Right or Wrong or ?

    Did you see any eggs?
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    Wasp Trap bait

    Traps attract wasps to you so would have thought it best to not go down that road if you have a phobia. No matter how many you catch if it's a good wasp year they will keep coming.
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    A lot of drone brood

    Mine seem to be laying plenty of drones this year particularly on the foundationless frames
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    Crop Identification

    No the price of wheat has picked up a bit recently so a bit more value which is good.
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    Crop Identification
