Bl##dy Hornets.

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House Bee
Jul 18, 2016
Reaction score
Hawkhurst Kent
Hive Type
Number of Hives
2 at the moment.
Hi, I know that this has probably been asked before but I am asking again. Last night whilst looking at my hives I killed two hornets grabbing bees at the entrance. Tonight I've killed three more and in no time there were four more buzzing around. A nest close by? Any tips on finding it? There's a row of four old oaks in the field backing onto my apiary, start there I suppose?
Hi, I know that this has probably been asked before but I am asking again. Last night whilst looking at my hives I killed two hornets grabbing bees at the entrance. Tonight I've killed three more and in no time there were four more buzzing around. A nest close by? Any tips on finding it? There's a row of four old oaks in the field backing onto my apiary, start there I suppose?

Trap and send home with some spot on?
I hope they are European hornets ?

I have heard that if you trap them, then release towards dusk they are more likely to head towards the nest.
I hope they are European hornets ?

I have heard that if you trap them, then release towards dusk they are more likely to head towards the nest.
Yes European. Put a trap out this morning so see if that's caught any when I get home.
Trap and send home with some spot on?
Is this easy enough to do? I know of a nest about half a mile away in an old cricket pavilion. Been asked to spray them because of a youth football team that train there.
I watched a hornet take a bee mid-air yesterday too. There seem to be a few of them around this year
Yeah I've seen plenty do this. I'm finding a tennis racquet quite effective and fun!
Is this easy enough to do? I know of a nest about half a mile away in an old cricket pavilion. Been asked to spray them because of a youth football team that train there.

Are they really causing a nuisance to the football team?
If they really need to be exterminated and you already know the location it's easier to treat in the traditional way(s).
I had been ignoring the hornets until this year. They're scary looking things but quite docile - just come to the garden pond for a drink and off they go. They've never bothered us in the garden, unlike the wasps which are just aggressive!

I'm catching 3-4 hornets a week this year around the hive. Some are obviously young ones.
Are they really causing a nuisance to the football team?
If they really need to be exterminated and you already know the location it's easier to treat in the traditional way(s).
I've not sprayed those as I can see which direction they fly when they have one of my bees and it's the opposite direction to that particular nest.
Just many beekeepers noticed hornets around their hives until the Asian hornet became a threat? As I say, just curious.
Reading about 3 to 4 European Hornets being trapped per week is saddening news indeed.
What's the problem with trapping the odd hornet? I can't help but feel anger towards them when I see them grab and fly off with my bees. I don't remember seeing hornets when I was young (46 now ) but now there seem plenty so numbers must be ok. Every time I go to my hives there's at least one hawking bees. Didn't have this last year, just the odd one.
Noticed a hornet hawking hive for first time yesterday. Seemed to be trying to get into hive but was sent packing. Hope so anyway.
Just many beekeepers noticed hornets around their hives until the Asian hornet became a threat? As I say, just curious.

Saw my first one yesterday. Pretty unmissable given their size.
Just many beekeepers noticed hornets around their hives until the Asian hornet became a threat? As I say, just curious.

Never seen a live one. Wouldn't begrudge them taking some bees that will be dead in a week or two as I've got lots of them and hornets seem to be far rarer
What's the problem with trapping the odd hornet? I can't help but feel anger towards them when I see them grab and fly off with my bees. I don't remember seeing hornets when I was young (46 now ) but now there seem plenty so numbers must be ok. Every time I go to my hives there's at least one hawking bees. Didn't have this last year, just the odd one.

The problem is the 'odd hornet' adds up to a considerable number, nationally, each year. Far less problem than wasps and far less numerous, but hey, if they kill a couple of bees I suppose they are better off extinct.
Don't feel anger when they grab your bees, it's futile. Have a think about how many creatures grab bees, should we exterminate them all?
Totally agree. Sadly not a lot of people do though. Was reading the Thornes newsletter and some chump was gloating about wasp extermination. Some real plonkers about
The problem is the 'odd hornet' adds up to a considerable number, nationally, each year. Far less problem than wasps and far less numerous, but hey, if they kill a couple of bees I suppose they are better off extinct.
Don't feel anger when they grab your bees, it's futile. Have a think about how many creatures grab bees, should we exterminate them all?
I'm not out to kill them all. I know of 2 hornet nests, one about 1/4 mile away and one just over a mile but I've left them alone. Wasps seem less of a problem for me as the bees see them off easily with reduced entrances. There's certainly no shortage of hornets around here and as I said I never used to see them when I was young. Bit like Buzzards, plenty of those now as well in the southeast.

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