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  1. B

    Newbee shopping list

    Sorry your not near Shrewsbury as having reached 92 I have to give up beekeeping so I have to get rid of everything that you might need and lots more
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    Late honey flow, but what is it?

    I have just the same problem.I extracted 3 weeks ago and the honey is very dark,strong smell and crystallised very quickly with a strong smell. I think it must be honeydew.On warming it it showed a very distinct reddish the jars. I have nex.
  3. B

    Culling hives - options?

    Nonsense! honey did not enter in to the equation just safety. Judge not,that ye be not judged
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    Culling hives - options?

    It is all very well to sit in judgement but with limited resources and neighbours being stung what would you do? Sing rule Britannia as your ship sinks? On a different tack what about the genetic pool? That doesn't matter to you but it does to me as breeding from such a strain goes against all...
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    Culling hives - options?

    Made a tent around the hive with 2 dust sheets put tin of Smoke candle(£5.99 from local hardware) under hive under open mesh floor and lit the touchpaper. Very easy and I will be able to use the frames again.
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    Culling hives - options?

    I have the same problem and with neighbour being stung they have to go as well children nearby. Requeening has been done but no improvement . Sulphur candle is my first choice
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    Faulty queen excluder

    As expected! As expected "Tough" Nothing to do with me Sir I was absent that day!
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    Faulty queen excluder

    Itchy you may not be safe! The excluder was bought last year so a small Queen and you may be in trouble as I am
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    Faulty queen excluder

    Compensation I expect Ths say "tough" if you contact them inspite of my loss of one months approx brood. I have found them unapproachable in the past. But thanks for your confirmation of the report that there was a bad batch. Will use other suppliers in future.
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    Faulty queen excluder

    Just found that queen was in the super so on examination found the most beautiful brood and then to find the queen. Yes I found her dead jammed in the Q excluder and with 3 Q cells with larvae. This is a mustard yellow plastic and bought last year. From a Ths agent . Rumour has it that there...
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    Swarm Attractants

    I bought some tubes of attractants. Instructions said do not spread onto Poly hive but spread onto tops of frames. obviously overspill found its way to the floor of my poly nuc box sitting on top of garage roof. I found that some poly had holes 1/2 inch deep from this attractant. A few drops...
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    hi wanted mentor shrewsbury area

    If I can help please contact me; I live in Shrewsbury
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    My hive is nearly 100% full of stores

    Ambrosia versus Sugar Last year I gave 23 lbs of sugar in syrup to each of my hives. This year I am using Ambrosia. Can anyone advise me as the eqivalent quantity of Ambrosia syrup to say 20lbs of sugar?
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    Anaphylaxis attack

    Anaphylaxis Query/ I am indeed grateful for everyones kind and thoughtful replies. The GP was confident that in fact I had not had an Anaphylaxis attack but an Anaphylactoid attack ie similar but not exact. He explained that there are 3 absolute criterion for the diagnosis of Anaphylaxis 1...
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    Anaphylaxis attack

    I have 3 hives that I keep in my front garden. Two days ago I examined hives one and 2 without incident. No 3 was a little cross but nothing out of the ordinary. I was wearing Nitrile gloves and had 3 stings on the right hand. Within a very short time I could feel my pulse thudding in my head...
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    National hives mported flat packed from China

    Yes so do I. Buy British is the best thing we all can do and avoid where ever possible imports from the EU and elsewhere
  17. B

    National hives mported flat packed from China

    Flat packed hives from China seem to be advertised on at least 2 or more sites and the printed feedback is in every case favourable. The cost is very reasonable and they are stated to be made of first class cedar and not seconds. Has anyone got first hand knowledge of these hives?
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    The Weather

    Awful weather Cheer up Sunny Raes! In Martinstown near Dorchester during the summer of 1954 12 inches of rain fell in one day and that was long before the Climate Change Doommongers appeared on the scene! This is only the cliamate having one of its cyclical cycles. Have patience and all will...
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    4 frame extractor for sale

    Because of an increase in apiary size I have a surplus 4 frame extractor for sale on Ebay item No 110903410588. It was made by E H Taylor who was taken over byTH**nes. It is only suitable for home use and not retail sales as it is a metal extractor but is perfect for a Newbee with 4 or less...
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    9 frame extractor wanted

    9 frame extractor I have just bought a magnificent 9 super frame radial stainless steel extractor including legs and 3 stainless screens for larger frames tangential from in Asbourne Derbyshire at £130 less than any other supplier. Look at their website for a bargain.