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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. S

    The Weather

    chucking it down in colchester. hoping to do my first proper inspection tomorrow, split some snowdrops, and plant a memorial plant for a beekeeper who has recently passed away. a flowering currant pollen for the bees, berries for the birds, rip ted williams
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    killing queens?

    off with her head. sounds like the french revolution. Personally i put her in a matchbox and then freeze her.
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    Granulated Honey

    i bought a bain marie off flea bay which will hold 28 jars at a time. easily controllable payed for itself in first season. where in essex are you.
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    Making candy for first time

    made fondant last winter. disaster! Covered cooker in molten lava, burnt myself and fondant turned into glass. 3 hours to clean and unblock gas jets on cooker.3 days before wife spoke to me again. banned from making fondant now. just buying bakers fondant works for me.
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    First Time Honey Harvest Question

    quite a bit of himalayan balsalm around friday woods what area of colchester are your bees.also has been plenty of blackberry and willowherb. I think it is probably a blend of the above.
  6. S

    serious robbing issues.

    was planning to feed the 2 nucs in question to boost morale. Stores are ok at moment but not enough to over winter. The 8 full colonys have good stores but would rather not have to much ivy as have had issues with granulation before. Thought some syrup would help this.
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    serious robbing issues.

    Bees are the culprits here at my garden not seen many wasps. Will probably feed in early morning and confine for a few days and assess situation then. Would have feed tonight but chucking it down. Robbers seem determined and plentiful.
  8. S

    serious robbing issues.

    Hi, I need some advice here. Had 8 full hives and 4 nucs. Went to apiary yesterday 2 nucs totally robbed out other 2 nucs under siege but still strong. So have moved 2 strong nucs to my garden placed robbed out nucs in there place so hopefully robbers think gravy train is over and give up and...