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  1. J

    Putting super back on

    I want to put a super back on for the bees to clean after extraction but I managed to break a couple of frames/wax. Once it's been cleaned up for a few days can I replace the broken frames with new foundation and leave the good drawn frames in? If so do I put foundation in the middle or...
  2. J

    Osr in frames

    Took a super off this evening and extracted it but lots of set honey/sugar in the frames is there an way to get this out??
  3. J


    I have a hive with a super on 2 weeks ago the super was filling up and some honey was capped. Today I take a look and no capped honey and no stores in the brood box. Is this due to robbing??
  4. J

    Wanted queen excluder

    Anyone selling a queen excluder in the Chichester area
  5. J

    Finding a new apiary

    I emailed my local village mag and asked to put a ad in there for a plot to put hives with my email address. Got good response
  6. J

    Super space??

    Is 11 drawn frames ok in a super or should it be reduced to 10 when drawn out?
  7. J


    Hi just wandering if you can feed while using apiguard?
  8. J

    Wet super.

    I have a wet super to go back on but I want to get another super drawn out can I put a box of foundation on as well as the wet box? If so wet one on top or bottom?
  9. J


    When is it time to take super from under the brood box.?
  10. J

    Just wandering what would happen!

    I dunno why but I was just thinking what would happen if you was to unite a week hive with a laying worker to a strong hive with a good laying queen. Would the queen kill the worker?
  11. J

    Yay honey

    Started keeping bees this season and just took off my first lot of honey (16 jars)
  12. J


    Does honey have to be capped before extracted?
  13. J

    Is it ok?

    Ok thank you
  14. J

    Is it ok?

    Hi new bee hear. Is it ok to inspect the hives on a cloudy day?
  15. J

    Feed to encourage

    Chichester i am Sam. I think I will just leave them to it.
  16. J

    Feed to encourage

    I'm a new be so this might be a silly question! I fed the bees while they was drawing brood comb and they did that in about 10 days. So the question is can I feed to encourage them to draw out supers as mine are all new foundation? ? ? ?
  17. J


    Enjoy. I've just finished my 8 week bigginers course.
  18. J

    Qe off??

    I hived a swarm and it left after 2 nights. So I got another swam and hived it but this time with a queen excluder over the floor. It's been 6 days and comb is being drawn is it safe to take the queen excluder away now?
  19. J

    Swarm gone

    Oh I have a omf is it worth changing it to a solid one at first then. Or just put the inspection board in?
  20. J

    Swarm gone

    Rapped feeder ordered to solve the dripping problem. Hive is secondhand but scorched inside. Just received a cool about a swarm that's been out over night if I hive them What's the best way tip in or tip at the bottom of a ramp? When do I feed? And I will use a queen excluder under the brood...