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  1. J

    Is it time to harvest the honey in the UK?

    Hi, I am in Manchester, UK. Is it time to harvest honey and start the winter preparation? Thanks,
  2. J

    Can worker bees lay egg and have larvae etc?

    Hi, I had at least 7 queen cells in my hive a month ago. I believe one of them may have hatched (at least 4 weeks before). I could not see the queen yet in the hive, but I can see eggs and larvae including closed cells. I was wondering whether the worker bees can lay egg and have larvae etc...
  3. J

    Is it time to start the Varroa treatment on the hives?

    Hi, Is it time to start the Varroa treatment in the hives? Thanks
  4. J

    Feed in Summer - water or sugar syrup

    Hi, The weather is really hot now. Do we need to leave a feeder with sugar syrup or water in the hive? Thanks
  5. J

    Should I break the queen cells after the first queen cell is hatched?

    Hi, I have a nuc where there is no queen at the moment. I have around 7 queen cells. After the first egg is hatched should I break the rest of the cells? OR, should I keep 1 or 2 queen cells and break the rest of the cells now - before they are hatched? Thanks
  6. J

    Is it time to remove Entrance Block

    Hi, I have still the entrance block on the hive. Should I remove the entrance block now and when should I put it back? Thanks,
  7. J

    How to store used Super Frames / Brood Frames for next year

    Hi, If I have some super frames and brood frames (no honey or eggs), what is the best way to store it for the following year to re-use them? There is no honey in the super or no brood in the brood frames. Is it enough to put them in a cardboard box and keep in a warm place? Thanks
  8. J

    Two queens from the same nuc

    Hi, I have a nuc. There is no queen. There are at least 5 queen cells and they are on different frames. They are not closed yet. After they are closed (before haching), is it safe to move a frame with closed queen cells to another nuc with a few bees and brood from another hive. What I am...
  9. J

    When is the best time of the year to split hive?

    Hi, I am planning to have one more hive. When is the best time of the year to split - April, May etc.? Thanks,
  10. J

    Bees dead in the hive, not sure how

    Hi, One of my friends recently opened his hives. He saw the bees dead. Please see the attached images. There was enough food including a piece of bee fondant left in the hive and also good insulation. Not sure how it happened. Other hives are ok. Please see the images. Thanks
  11. J

    Bees are not bringing pollen

    Hi, In one of my hives bees are not bringing in any pollen. I can see in the other one, bees are going out and bringing pollen. So, I opened the one where bees do not bring pollen and could spot the queen. The queen is there in the hive. But, there was no eggs. Compare to the other hive bees...
  12. J

    Not enough bees in the hives and not sure whether queen is in the hives

    Hi, In two of my hives and I feel like there is not enough bees in both of them. The first hive may have around 4 frames of bees and the second will have around 5 frames of bees. I believe I have to feed some bee candy by the end of December. I could not find queen in both of them in my quick...
  13. J

    When to start feeding sugar syrup? and How much is required?

    Hi, Is it the right time to start feeding sugar syrup or should I leave it until October? I hope I have to remove all the supers and start feeding. How much sugar syrup should I feed a hive? Thanks,
  14. J

    Is it safe to split the hive now?

    Hi, I have a queen less hive with 2 queen cells. After one of the queen cells is hatched, I am thinking of taking the frame with the remaining capped cell to a Nuc and get some bees from another hive which has more bees and put them all together in a Nuc. Is that fine around this time of the...
  15. J

    How to reduce Water Level in Honey

    Hi, If the water level in the honey is above 20%, how do we get the water level reduced? Thanks,
  16. J

    Could not find the queen, but queen cells in the hive

    Hi, I could not find the queen bee for nearly 4 weeks. I put a Queen Excluder in the hive 4 weeks before and I saw the queen in the brood when I put the Queen Excluder. After that I opened the brood twice in the last 4 weeks and I could not find the queen. I can see Queen Cells in the brood...
  17. J

    Bees are in a small cluster at the entrance in the night

    HI, I had been to the garden around 9.30pm and I noticed the bees are in a small cluster at the entrance of the hive. Please see the attached image. I am wondering whether it is because of the hot weather the bees are outside. I hope they are not planning to swam. Thanks,
  18. J

    Queen Cells - Should I split

    Hi, I can see queen cells in the hives. Is it ok to split the hive now? If I split, my worry is whether it is going to make the colony weaker and that can affect them in winter. Thanks
  19. J

    Selling honey from the hives in the UK

    Hi, If I have some extra honey in my hive, am I allowed to sell it? I am wondering whether there is any regulation in the UK for selling honey from the hive? I am planning to extract the extra honey and put it small jars and sell. Thanks,
  20. J

    Importing stingless bees from outside EU

    Has anyone imported bees from outside EU. I am thinking of having stingless bees. If someone has imported, could you please tell me how you managed to pack it and the procedures we need to follow? Thanks,