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  1. burren

    mixing sugar syrup

  2. burren

    chucking out time!

    They seem to be chucking out drones in one hive and the other right next door is has a uncapped fully charged queen cell, and they both had supercedure queens in July (old queens 1 year old), Was just about to put apidguard on, might be wise to wait, but weather will be against me (thats the...
  3. burren

    ccd programme - on TG4 now

    on now- tv programme
  4. burren

    ccd programme - on TG4 now

  5. burren

    how do i get my bees to survive the winter

    You have the option, if you think that they will need it to place the super underneath the brood box for the winter. You may find them untouched come April. How is the brood pattern looking? How many frames of brood do you have?
  6. burren

    how do i get my bees to survive the winter

    7 supers, thats fantastic;)
  7. burren

    frame of honey for show

    Thanks all for your great assistance and Keith especially for the lovely pics:)
  8. burren

    frame of honey for show

    Many thanks all for the replies....... I am going to try and enter it. I will post how I get on. ;)
  9. burren

    5th September Mating Flight

    excellent, I saw same thing earlier this year, never seen it before, very cool:cool:
  10. burren

    frame of honey for show

    :smash:c mon guys, i know it is dinner time, should I spin or not. There is a single line of empty cells down both edges on both sides and between 6-12 empty corner cells on bottom corners, so I know it nots perfect, but not seen a show yet, so not sure how perfect it perfectly should be! If...
  11. burren

    frame of honey for show

    Thanks, psa f.
  12. burren

    frame of honey for show

    How perfect does a frame of sealed honey for show have to be??? Does every single cell have to be capped, including corners or is it more than the cappings have to have a lovely uniform white colour? I have one frame that I think might do for saving as I am just about to spin a few other...
  13. burren

    How Much honey did you get this year?

    3 hives = 23 lbs :angelsad2:
  14. burren

    Really difficult year this year

    I think PH has said it all, it is hard not to feel despondant with a year like this, and a story like yours Sam,I am sorry it was a difficult time for you, but brace up and get ready and plan ahead for a good next yearbee-smillie good luck everyone for a safe winter
  15. burren

    Honey - yuk!!

    Hi bcb, so you have tasted the good stuff and there is no going back.... How many supers do you have on at the mo? Sounds like an unusual site, what about a pic? The way things are looking this year, beekeepers would do well to get any take off, let alone 2 or 3 takes off! yes some people...
  16. burren

    snail on dickd's bee cam

    :smilielol5:yes indeed we are, hehehe
  17. burren

    snail on dickd's bee cam

    yep saw that!
  18. burren

    snail on dickd's bee cam

    he was trying to get in and is now leaving!
  19. burren

    Bee id

    :nature-smiley-016:put them up here
  20. burren

    honey blank

    :iagree: 77 1bs last year,(2 hives) one more hive this year ( 3 hives) and only 23 lbs, and little hope of any more before end of september.