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  1. karl moss

    In the midst of a swarm

    Thanks polyhive yes it is very very frustating, only had a minor op on my foot but you don't half miss your mobility, especially when your two main hobbies are beekeeping and fishing. I know there are a lot of people much much worse off than me and i should thank my lucky stars it isn't...
  2. karl moss

    In the midst of a swarm

    Hi polyhive never thought of that :) I will chase (well limp) everone away with my walking stick, managed to walk to my apiary today in the field next door, so by the end of the week i should be able to chase anyone ???
  3. karl moss

    Update (midst of a swarm)

    Missus hived swarm for me when she got home from work,alls well that ends well, only a small caste so i will try and build it up as a nuc for overwinter. well i will if it stays, i don't think this hive wants to live with me, must be my aftershave :).Will requeen this year/next spring cos the...
  4. karl moss

    In the midst of a swarm

    Hi North Staffs,near Cheshire border,member of south cheshire ass.
  5. karl moss

    In the midst of a swarm

    Went to check on my hives this afternoon,haven't done any checks for about three weeks (see previous threads) the hive that has swarmed three times in as many weeks, decided to swarm while i was checking them, quickly put the roof back on and just stood there watching them as they left home...
  6. karl moss

    So I guess its a what would you do now question...

    NO daft questions Hi I had the same problems as you two years ago, and like you, my lifestyle/work kept me away from my local meetings, i found this forum absolutely invaluable. in my opinion there is no such thing as a daft question, we all need to learn and keep on learning,thats why i keep...
  7. karl moss

    grey Pollen

    Brilliant Photograph
  8. karl moss

    They Have Gone

    Hi Drew yes i've been called all of them and many more, and that's only by the missus except overpaid, however i am an Electrician,that by definition suggests i am overpaid
  9. karl moss

    They Have Gone

    On the positive side the other two hives look quite calm through my binoculars, i am really quite fast at limping now,and from what i saw on the telly yesterday i can expect my England call up any day soon
  10. karl moss

    They Have Gone

    I,m on walking sticks after an operation, i tried waving my sticks at them they just ignored me :)
  11. karl moss

    Practice swarms

    sorry Rosti missus is not available for hire,as a new pair of shoes every time she helps me is just too expensive for most folk
  12. karl moss

    They Have Gone

    Following from my thread yesterday 0830 this morning bees swarmed, i have never seen a swarm so determined to abscond, they rose in the air like something out of a low budget horror film, then shot off at a speed that would make the red arrows proud. as i watched them through my binoculars they...
  13. karl moss

    Practice swarms

    Hi Admin Definitely not a clipped queen, I don't clip, and she was collected last year form a good distance from this hive so she did swarm last year, I will have to wait and see, I have kept bees for only 5 or 6 years, and made most of the mistakes the forum throws up, that is what makes this...
  14. karl moss

    Practice swarms

    My Bees are in a field next to my house,I am incapacitated at the moment after an operation on my Foot (Coincidentally at world cup time :) ) to my point One of my Hives swarmed yesterday,settled nearby, and then went back to the hive,this hive did this earlier in the year ? Today they did it...
  15. karl moss

    Swarm leaves a hive...and then returns

    Snap Exactly the same thing happened to me today at approx 1230hrs, muggy and overcast, then sunny, less than an hour later,they were all back, i'm off today, if i hadn't have seen and heard them i would never have known
  16. karl moss

    Mouse Attack

    Yes poison is one option, too indiscriminate as i live in the country,i set the humane trap last night too late now of course,yes i know the one about horses and stable doors :) The cats have confirmed that we have no other unwanted residents, the ferret has also had a good nose around all seems...
  17. karl moss

    Mouse Attack

    I went to my shed yesterday (to get my fishing gear) discovered wax fragments on the floor, i have stacked about six or seven supers in there over winter,all drawn out and cleaned by the bees last autumn,lifting them out i discovered the utter devastation Mice can cause, most supers...
  18. karl moss

    hives stolen Derbyshire

    want their fingers chopping off, it would be very nice to catch one of them in the act
  19. karl moss

    BB Wear

    Thought i would post this here My other half bought me a Bee suit for xmas, tried it on last week and it was too small (I blame all that xmas pud) contacted bbwear who asked me to send it back, they sent me another immediately with no questions asked, what a brilliant company to do business...
  20. karl moss


    I'm just not happy with the direction the so called "representation" of Beekeeepers has gone, so i will Just vote with my feet, and save Money in the process, a win win situation