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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. D

    still working

    I could see quite a few flying over the fence round my apiary yesterday evening,so I looked in and there were what seemed like hundreds of em buzzing round both hives and crawling up the front,a lot of them had yellow pollen on,they seemed to struggling to find the reduced entrance,an hour later...
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    Wax moulds

    otleybee,your not a retired joiner that used to work at airedale hospital are you?
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    apiary at cowthorpe

    when I went fishing this morning,I passed an apiary on my way to the river,is it anyones who is on the forum? Its at cowthorpe near wetherby (7 hives).
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    the varroa board is made of wood with white gloss,yes I am feeding at the moment,
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    I am getting a lot of condensation dripping from inside the hive onto the varroa board,I have a dummy board in,and an insulated roof,will it stop when I removed the varroa board after I've finished treatment and there is a bit more ventilation through the OM floor?
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    Planning for '11

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    Show us Pictures of your Bees

    12 inches as a rule,bum bum
  8. 100 0566

    100 0566

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    Swarm Times?

    I removed a sealed queen cell last saturday,if I had left it to hatch would the queen have been mated so late on,with the weather being so mild?
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    wax moths

    as anyone got any photos of wax moths?
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    3 Word Story

    and far away
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    Show us Pictures of your Bees

    brilliant video,would love to see that.
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    Stingless bees

    a bee with no sting!!yes the neighbours can't get stung and complain,no,bees without stings arn't bees
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    eke with comb in.

    yes!is it better to put the super under,or above the brood box?
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    Show us Pictures of your Bees

    heavy yellow pollen on my bees at the moment.
  16. D

    Show us Pictures of your Bees

    she's a very dark queen,is there a bit of robbing going on in that picture?,some of the bees are very light coloured.
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    eke with comb in.

    When I went to put the second apiguard tray in today the eke is being filled with comb and filled with honey(the crown board and the eke were joined together)there are 3,1/2 brood frames that haven't been drawn out yet,I have heard that foundation loses its smell after a while and bees are...
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    Queen Cell.

    I had two sealed queen cells on tuesday evening when I checked,they were very small(poor quality),I removed them.
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    Himalayan Balsam (Impatiens glandulifera)

    they are still returning covered in white pollen,even when its raining
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    Larger than average hornets.

    Are these pictures taken in cumbria?I'm in west yorkshire and I have never seen anything like them!.