From the noise of flying bee's today it was like it was back in summer on a major flow again
Yes, mine are still collecting whenever possible - they know when it is economic to forage and when to stay home.
This seems to fly in the face of the doom-casters back in July/August. I was one (in September) that thought things were going to close down earlier than this, but it just goes to show that even with nasty early weather things can get better.
I was expecting to feed one or two colonies and did, in fact, steal some frames of stores for a couple of late developing colonies, but have not fed any sugar at all.
These 'late colonies' have since filled the 6 frame 14 x 12 MBS (Langstroth converted) nucs (so near to a standard National at ten frames equivalent area and equivalent to a WBC). In fact they are better than that, as the hives are of such a generous size that a dummy board needs fitting - and wasn't. The bees have constructed a 7th comb in each of them, and filled them as far as I know. I await, with a great deal of interest, to see how they fare over winter.
The one hive I am a little worried about - reorganised today - one which I united a month ago with a nucleus hive over a 14 x 12 brood - as I did not see a queen, nor any new brood, just capped brood. They will no get no further disturbance. I hope they are all right as they are of much better temperament after I culled the queen in the main brood box.
That leaves the other nuc dimensioned, but taller, bait hive (Dartington carry-box plus honey box). It was damp in the roof cover, so the floor was removed and it is now on an OMF, so should improve. Some insulation to go on and round that one!
The others seem fine, and will, hopefully, be OK. I shall not disturb them too much, if at all, now. They have had about a month of inattention and mostly looked after themselves admirably.
Regards, RAB