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  1. A

    Too late to re-queen?

    Thanks for the replies:) Looks like she's on borrowed time then. One of the nucs i made earlier on is now on 7frames of brood so doing pretty well.. I'll unite to this colony i yhink. I cant say I'll be too sorry to see her go. Her devil spawn workers have got a really, REALlY bad obsession...
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    Too late to re-queen?

    Over the past few weeks one of my hives has turned pretty unpleasant (no neighbours to worry about, just a sod to inspect:rolleyes:) but is very productive. The queen is laying really well and this week they have found a new nectar source. IF I can find the queen would it be better to pop her...
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    Any tips on what to do with High Water content Honey ?

    Slightly out of my league then:rolleyes:
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    A level day

    Is he off to uni next month? Oh by the way, think of it more as a smile than a U. I had a very special smile for maths many years ago lol
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    Any tips on what to do with High Water content Honey ?

    Just googled dryers but can't seem to find much. Have you got any links please:D
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    What date are you treating for Varroa

    I voted for by the 15th September with oxalic in winter but the timing will depend on whether they bring in any more honey, the weather and how the colony shrinks in readiness for winter. Either way they'll be getting Hivemakers thymol recipe then oxalic around Christmas;)
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    To treat or not for varroa

    Varroa sky high earlier on this year but partially sorted now. No question about me treating this autumn and winter;) With the possible development of bee resistance to varroa, surely treating can only weaken the mites and therefore make resistance more likely? Like a vaccination type...
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    Is beekeeping really worth risking your life for? Sorry to be so pessimistic but you really need to consider a change of hobby if you react that badly to stings (and not even aggravating the bees at the time, imagine if the hives temperament turns bad for some reason:eek:) . Collapse in your...
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    Pink house

    Camoflage pink:biggrinjester: No chance of the bees missing that hive:sifone:
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    Robbing -horrendous - never seen this before

    Awesome answernot worthy I think the biggest difference between the two species is the bees need to store large amounts of food for the colony to survive the winter. They do remember and communicate the location of a food source but are also heavily influenced by scent. I think this is why...
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    Mad Scientists - wonderful!

    Just watched the animation. Surely there must be an easier way to land than that:rolleyes: Reminded me of the old cartoon where Dick Dastardly tries to catch the pigeon:D
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    Flow over, part filled supers.

    The weather here has been suprisingly good compared to elsewhere in the country (makes a change :rolleyes:) I was lucky in having a really good week or so just as the bramble opened. There's still blossom about but the main crop is done I think. With the current number of bees and drop in...
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    Flow over, part filled supers.

    If only that were the case here:nopity: May be the turn in the weather I suppose but they've brought little in over the past week. I think I'm also hitting the brood stage where there's a gap caused by one of the queens being killed and the other disturbed by being knocked over. The number of...
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    Flow over, part filled supers.

    Sadly very little. There are a few patches here and there but the bees aren't working it as far as I can tell. 6 miles away there's acres of the stuff:banghead: Think on the lines of a male chicken;)
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    Flow over, part filled supers.

    Great stuff, thanks:cheers2:. Will do this tomorrow I think, looking forward to extracting again. Sadly nowhere near as much of a crop as I'd hoped for but considering I've battled with varroa, hives being knocked over by my pigs (1 killed queen), making 4 nucs from 3 colonies, just lost a...
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    Flow over, part filled supers.

    The main flow is over in my area now (and the weather has turned pants again:rolleyes:) and now I find my hives with supers which aren't full or capped. Would it be possible to encourage the bees to consolidate the honey and cap it? I'm thinking to put one part filled box above the crown board...
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    Brood size

    I can see what you're asking but am crap at maths sorry:blush5: With calculations like this in terms of bees you also have to keep in mind room for food stores, nectar and pollen;) Hence the need for a large brood area
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    Where does dark honey come from?

    I tried growing this on the field last year. It either didnt germinate or the pigs ate it all lol
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    Where does dark honey come from?

    Thanks for the replies. I've not seen any dark stores in any of my hives to date so I presume they either have something they prefer on offer or just don't have the correct forrage. Would be a nice treat if some turns up though:sifone: Last seasons early crop was a mid colour and very 'thick'...
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    Best way to get bees out of hair without getting stung

    Get your hair cut like mine. They need spiked shoes just to gat a grip on my shiney slope:conehead: