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  1. S

    what's best when q-

    You should of course not have kept the sealed cell, you dont know whats in there if anything. You should have kept an unsealed Qc in which you could see a healthy lava to late now hope the cell you have left is alright.
  2. S

    Restoring WBC Hives

    If you are truely going to do a refurbish, it might be worth replacing the legs usually the first thing to go with the plastic not rottable ones available from T*****s
  3. S

    Anyone ever dyed their Beekeeping Suit?

    Bees apparently can not see in the red spectrum. Hence the use of orange and red suits. These are often used by the regeonal bee inspectors (not the seasonal ones)
  4. S

    Food reqirement

    Any idea what the food requirement per thousand bees per days is and can it be expressed as both honey (17%) water, sugar and fondant. This one is for the experienced beekeepers only please. no guesses please. Approximations will do.
  5. S

    Hefting hives

    If you are weighing just by lifting either just the back or front edges using a spring balance that you are only effectively weighing half the hive weight you should double this to get the true weight,
  6. S

    When do I need to stop feeding Thymolated syrup

    It may well be going to be 14 degrees down here but up there it hasnt been that warm nor is it projected to be. Anyway I was just raising a hat to Mr stitson there as he was hoping one of the scottish contingent would
  7. S

    When do I need to stop feeding Thymolated syrup

    Aye we are also down here to help you and educate you "cultural ambassadors" we call ourselves. But I would think that you would find that we scots that are in the homeland would have finished feeding syrup to our bees a while ago its guy cold up there the noo with little chance of evapourating...
  8. S

    Boiling frames

    looking at your suffix it should be 2 types of people in the world as binary only deals with 0s and 1s decimal does however deal with 10 whilst hexidecimal deals with 16 0-9 and a-f
  9. S

    bees not feeding

    Try adding a small amount of recovered honey to your syrup. Sugar has no aroma I find that where previously I have found hives not taking from Jumbo feeders which I also use the addition of a small amount of recovered honey that has been boiled in water (1part honey to 3parts water) to the mix...
  10. S

    Sealing hive for thymol

    no need for gaffer tape the only stickyness that can of benefit is on the examination board so you dont loose the dropped mite to the ants
  11. S

    Crown of thornes

    Yes the infamouse t**** sells them
  12. S

    Fertile queens becoming Drone layers

    Surprisingly short time between emerging and laying for all of them under 14 days one in an apidea the rest from nucs
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    Fertile queens becoming Drone layers

    These queens emerged in may, june amd July and are not from the same mother
  14. S

    Fertile queens becoming Drone layers

    In the last 2 weeks I have had 3 colonies which had good this years queens turn into drone layers having previously been laying properly. I say this last 2 weeks but it may have been a little longer as it is not until the cells are capped that I could be sure that all the eggs laid were drones...
  15. S

    How long can a colony live for if....

    You may like to work it out yourself. Presuming that any brood left at the time they went queenless had to at least 6 days old otherwise they would have been able to make a queen, that leaves 15 days until the last viable worker could emerge and the common premise is that a summer/spring bee has...
  16. S

    Bees in a chimney Leicestershire LE9 - Can anyone on here take them away?

    "they appear to have a 'mushroom top' fitted, which should be fitted and secured with either cement of some sort of sealant. so no, not easy to remove"
  17. S

    Bees in a chimney Leicestershire LE9 - Can anyone on here take them away?

    This called a sailors hat. It should not be sealed the chimney requires ventilation. If you with to make it bee proof line the inside of the sailors bonnet with some mesh to stop them getting in but still allow a flow of air. Alan
  18. S

    observation hive in my shed

    Polys's got it in one. Think about it.
  19. S

    Sterilizing Syrup

    Why should you need to sterilise a sugar syrup. Made up with tap water it should be all right and made up at a 2:1 ratio it is a saturate and should not allow the growth of anything. If you require to inhibit fermentation use a thymol mixture search elsewhere on this forum for the recipe. Alan
  20. S

    cut out colony advice please

    To speed things along if you have any drawn frames introduce these ideally say 2frames then a new frame of drawn wax then 2 more then another drawn frame. This will encourage the bees to move onto the newly introduced frames, you can then gradually move the the tied in frames to the outside of...