Queen Bee
I had a slight disagreement today over whether to seal the base of a national with gaffer tape when applying Apiguard
i never seal up the seams of my hives and the varroa boards fit reasonable in the slot and the back edge of varroa board blocks the rear of the hive
However a friend runs gaffer tape around his floor/brood junction and ensures the rear of the varroa board is also gaffer taped in
His veiw is that it holds the heavier than air thymol vapour in and that he therefore gets a better kill of mites
what do others on here do, do you think it is worth gaffer taping up the seams when the entrance block gives quite a large gap at the front of the hive at floor level that lets out all the thymol vapour
i never seal up the seams of my hives and the varroa boards fit reasonable in the slot and the back edge of varroa board blocks the rear of the hive
However a friend runs gaffer tape around his floor/brood junction and ensures the rear of the varroa board is also gaffer taped in
His veiw is that it holds the heavier than air thymol vapour in and that he therefore gets a better kill of mites
what do others on here do, do you think it is worth gaffer taping up the seams when the entrance block gives quite a large gap at the front of the hive at floor level that lets out all the thymol vapour