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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. borderer

    Antipodean Beekeeping

    I could not get the address to work but found it quickly by searching facebook
  2. borderer

    Cumbria Autumn Conference

    The conference was reasonably well attended and although the entry to the honey show was much reduced the exhibits were of high quality. Both speakers Ian Craig and Murray MacGregor were excellent. All in all a good day out even if I do say so myself.
  3. borderer

    Antipodean Beekeeping

    nice site, worth a look if only to be reminded of what sunshine looks like, thanks.
  4. borderer

    Moving bee's 200 miles!

    Moved some Sussex to Cumbria last weekend with no problems. Also heard at a talk today of bees being moved from Spain to Finland with out problems as Nic Rhodes says it is important that the bees are prepared well
  5. borderer

    Cumbria Autumn Conference

    Cumbria is holding its Annual conference and honey show on the 10th November 2012. The venue is New Biggin Village Hall, just 2 miles from Junction 40 M6 Penrith. The talks will be given by Murray McGregor and Ian Craig. Both excellent speakers. T There is a cover charge of £10.00 for the...
  6. borderer

    Oops . New carpet time .

    Puts my little problem with my conservatory in perspective:redface:
  7. borderer

    cleaning up after bees in the conservatory

    don't think that's going to be an option, the shed is looking much safer ;)
  8. borderer

    cleaning up after bees in the conservatory

    I am in trouble with my better half having used the conservatory to extract honey. I cleaned up most things but a few bees were in the supers and in the excitment they have crapped on the vertical blinds. The crap is proving difficult to remove and I fear for my well being if I damage the...
  9. image001


  10. image001


  11. homehive


  12. borderer

    Please support our campaign

  13. borderer

    Snow again

    no snow here but the wind is bitterly cold
  14. borderer

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    raining here as well so tidied up bee shed and garden. Drove swmbo to distraction rendering wax in the kitchen. Good thing I tidied the bee shed, might be sleeping there tonight. :leaving:
  15. borderer

    Beekeeping suppliers in cumbria

    could also try J Harris Bankhead Bee Supplies Carlisle
  16. borderer

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Went through 7 of my own hives putting the half on top all of them are ready for a super being very short of space. Transferred an overwintered nuc into a hive, it had run out of space and was ready to be moved. Then spent the next hour marvelling at the wonders of nature and pondering the...
  17. borderer

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Had a look in the in the last four hives today. A really nice day at 16c. Two at work looking good laying across five frames. Two left, in the garden first one looking fine, laying across four frames on brood and a half. So far so good, last one to check. Oh b****r all drone brood, no sign of...
  18. borderer

    Scientific evidence for honey-based cures

    My mother was a district nurse and was using honey way back in the 1960's to treat leg ulcers. It seemed to be successful when conventional treatment had failed.
  19. borderer

    What have you learned on the forum this week

    why some words were blue
  20. borderer

    Win an I Phone?

    I had the blue word problem and strangely it was linked with Babylon and constantly being chucked out of the Beekeepers Arms. Cured the door problem by converting to google chrome, on the advice of polyhive. The only way I could get rid of the Babylon Tool Bar was to surrender my laptop to our...