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  1. tkwinston4

    Hivemaker and Tom Bick beware!

    :iagree::iagree::iagree::Dnot worthy
  2. tkwinston4

    Phoenix from the flames

    Really pleased for you and the bees. not worthy
  3. tkwinston4

    couple of quick questions regarding bottling

    Thanks Moggs. We are all taught to keep honey cool and dark to stop it crystallizing etc but I have never really considered that it will lose its smell too. Obvious when I think about it! Oh well onwards and upwards :-)
  4. tkwinston4

    couple of quick questions regarding bottling

    Bit off topic I'm afraid but I have noticed that my own honey is also very fragrant. Does honey lose its fragrance over time? Doing a sniff test on shop bought and home grown honey shows a huge difference in strength of smell. Any reason? Or is it just down to the flowers?
  5. tkwinston4

    whats this?!!!!!!!!

    not worthy;):)
  6. tkwinston4

    whats this?!!!!!!!!

    Not really, he was only concerned about his own safety. He came outside very slowly saying "What the hell was that? Has it gone yet? Glad it was only after you!" Can you tell he's all man?!! ;)
  7. tkwinston4

    whats this?!!!!!!!!

    I had one of these land on me at the weekend and I nearly wet myself with fright! I was dancing around trying to get it off with a brush that was covered in rabbit poo!! Now I know what it is I feel a bit of a plonker. Mind you my husband that was hiding behind the door and refusing to come...
  8. tkwinston4

    National Bee Unit husbandry survey 2011

    Hives going into and out of 2010, disease, food given, treatments, honey taken. The usual questions I guess. Never had the questionnaire before. Think the covering letter said its been going on for years and they have been collecting data this way quite successfully. I have been selected...
  9. tkwinston4

    National Bee Unit husbandry survey 2011

    Don't suppose you still have the envelope with the address on it do you? If so can you let me know what the address is? Is it just National Bee Unit, The Food and Environment Research Agency, Sand Hutton, York, UK, YO41 1LZ?
  10. tkwinston4

    New site in corner of sloping field

    Ah right! Have you seen my screen, its a very steep slope? Its pretty much on the vertical, don't think the bees would like it!! As said before they will go the direction they want to go. Consider temp (frost pocket), shade, any chance of flooding, wind direction if a factor.
  11. tkwinston4

    National Bee Unit husbandry survey 2011

    Has anyone else had this letter requesting the completion of their survey? Reason I ask is because they did not include the reply paid envelope and I have no idea where to send back my response. Polite answers on a postcard please! ;)
  12. tkwinston4

    nice egg photos

    Got an advert for Bacardi and Viagra I think!! Or that what happens when you mix the two; you get eggs?
  13. tkwinston4

    New site in corner of sloping field

    Am I missing something? There is nothing on my screen apart from a picture of Tigger and some phone numbers. No trees or flowers!!!
  14. tkwinston4

    Bee stings ok.

    What's wrong with two; I take 4 a day?
  15. tkwinston4


    I am with the hoverfly theory...............
  16. tkwinston4

    Disadvantages of Beekeeping

    The cost, not having enough time or space, the moaning husband. Dealing with ignorant members of the public who don't know the difference between a honey bee and a bumble bee. Oh and everyone is apparently allergic to bee stings.
  17. tkwinston4

    Anyone in the Horsham/Slinfold/BBH area?

    As the title says, is there anyone in the Horsham/Slinfold/BBH area that is around tomorrow to take a look at a colony in a house/roof? I promised I would take a look but forgot I am going to Take That concert tomorrow and I will be really struggling for time. I know its short notice, I was...
  18. tkwinston4

    What bee is this?

    Solitary possibly?
  19. tkwinston4

    Advice please

    Another tricky one! Another call for an awkward nest!! Just got these photos of a nest in a roof. They have gotta go because the building is being renovated. Any tips/suggestions/advice welcome. I believe that i am allowed to take it all apart because all the rotten wood is going. The...
  20. tkwinston4

    Advice please

    Good idea! Will try that and in the mean time I have been told about a fellow beekeeper in our association that is also a builder. He may even get a job out of it because she said she wants to do the annex up and if someone started taking it apart that may give her the inclination to get it...