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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. tkwinston4

    Sugar Is this a good price then? Is it worth a trip out to them at the weekend?
  2. tkwinston4

    Any tips on what to do with High Water content Honey ?

    Probably a stupid question but what difference does it make if its in the comb or not?
  3. tkwinston4

    Any tips on what to do with High Water content Honey ?

    A question received from a friend earlier. Got no idea what advice to give her so thought I had better ask the experts :D
  4. tkwinston4

    Just finished a cutout!

    Wow what a job; how long do you think they had been there?
  5. tkwinston4

    Where have all the Wasps Gone

    We do that too, saves a lot of hands flapping around dinner plates and wine glasses!! Not had to do that yet this year tho. Two BBQ's this weekend and not a bug in sight - its very worrying really.
  6. tkwinston4

    Can bee keepers give blood

    Interesting. They weren't interested when I showed them my list of medications that I take daily and that includes antihistamine tablets? :confused:
  7. tkwinston4

    Waspsnot in Cornwall this year YET

    Someone asked me the other day if wasps make honey and I had no idea. I now know - thanks Karol not worthy
  8. tkwinston4

    Dog got my chicken!

    I totally understand because I am one of those weird veggies who does not like the connection between chicks pecking about in the garden and frozen chicken nuggets. Having a friend die today unexpectedly I also understand about death. Death does not bother me at all; once you are dead you are...
  9. tkwinston4

    Dog got my chicken!

    Thank you Dusty x
  10. tkwinston4

    Dog got my chicken!

    Thanks for the gruesome advice but I took her to the vet at ten last night and had her pts. :( On a lighter note my husband said as I was walking out the door with her he thought he heard the dog humming the tune "I feel like chicken tonight"!!!:)
  11. tkwinston4

    Dog got my chicken!

    I dont no and there is no way on earth that I can do it. Apart from wringing its neck is there any other less violent way of doing it?
  12. tkwinston4

    Dog got my chicken!

    The wing has totally gone. I am happy to pay the vet to put it to sleep because I certainly ain't doing it!
  13. tkwinston4

    Dog got my chicken!

    Need some advice guys. Our bloody dog just go hold of one of my chickens and ripped her wing off! Apart from the wing she seems ok if being without a wing is ok! Considering the time of night what do you suggest and wringing her neck is not an option! I will take her to the vets tomorrow...
  14. tkwinston4

    Advertise Your Honey For Free

    What is search engine optimization and what was he doing? Have I fallen into a trap?
  15. tkwinston4

    Bait hive etiquette

  16. tkwinston4

    Advertise Your Honey For Free

    I have put a link to your website on our local Facebook page and also a UK Facebook page for beekeeping. Its not for me because I don't sell my honey but its a good idea. I do however agree with some of the comments about the logo. I don't see it as sexist at all but just not very relevant -...
  17. tkwinston4

    I don't think they learnt much! Middlesbrough bee qualification creates buzz A beekeeping course which has already trained 100 apiarists has secured extra funding to cope with its waiting list. Students spend two days at Cargo Fleet Lane allotment in Middlesbrough learning...
  18. tkwinston4

    Can bee keepers give blood

    You're not serious are you?
  19. tkwinston4

    A week in the life of a frame of bees

    Why the wild comb on the bottom?
  20. tkwinston4

    It's swarm but it's not warm!

    Sounds lovely; did you per chance get any photos?