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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. S

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Yesterday I watched as scout bees inspected my bait hive. Today the swarm arrived. I got there as they were hiving themselves. Unlike my own bees the workers were all the same colour and the drones had black abdomens. Can someone please identify the strain? I've attached a photo. Thanks.
  2. S

    Bees & the Law

    Yes, if the householder permits it.
  3. S

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Watched about 50 'scouts' checking out a bait hive I've put in a garden about two miles from my apiary. Not my bees as they are too dark and uniform in colour. Perhaps I'll hit it lucky in the next few days.
  4. S

    Blue/green coloured honey in comb

    Could it be a little coloured pollen mixed with the honey?
  5. S

    Propolised Lug Ends

    Castellated brood box
  6. S

    Moving my hive causing confusion.

    It is possible to move a hive more than three feet and less than three miles in one go by confusing the bees and causing them to re-orientate. I saw a youtube video of the technique last year and have used it twice. Last week I moved a hive half a mile successfully. Once the bees had returned...
  7. S

    How can somebody deter bees ?

    Try using Repel 100 containing 97% DEET. Supposed to be the best insect repellent available.
  8. S

    What be this bee?

    No 3 looks like the hoverfly. The others look like my bees ( which I am sure don't have african origins).
  9. S

    So is compulsory registration on the way

    Registration will come. That's why beebase was set up. There will be a fee of course, which will be used to pay for all the bee related expenditure which is currently paid for from general taxation. They will start paying the bee inspectors civil servants wages with final salary pensions and the...
  10. S

    What is this tree and any good for bees?

    Flowers with 'double' blossoms make the extra petals by converting anthers to petals. They don't produce pollen and if the female parts are made into petals there is no nectar either. Pretty yes, but pretty useless for bees.
  11. S

    Mike Palmer video.

    Thank you Mike for an excellent lecture. There are many useful ideas and techniques. I particularly liked the modified 2 queen system and the queen introduction technique using a cage pressed onto the emerging brood.
  12. S

    Alternative to association membership of bbka

    What a pack of cheapskates. The increase equates to half a jar of honey ( at my price). The BBKA is the national voice for beekeepers to government and other national organisations. If you aren't a member then you're getting a free ride at others' expense. You are free to do that of course but...
  13. S

    Garden Planting research at LASI (Sussex Uni)

    It must have been such a pleasure to carry out this research- I'm really jealous. My observations concur with Marjoram being popular with all types of insects. I have a tall flowering variety which is number 1 in my garden. Borage is close behind. I collect the seed from mine and sow it on...
  14. S

    Rough geographical survey of Varroa

    I treated my four hives with Apivar last November and got a large 'kill'. This year I've had nothing on the monitoring inserts. However after reading other threads I treated with Apiguard last week in case I was missing something. I wasn't and have only had two mites drop out. I'm pleased with...
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    Plant identification

    It looks to me like a variety of Bistort.
  16. S

    Ink coming off jar labels

    I've just bought 100 from T****** and they're ink fast, no smudging.
  17. S

    AFB nr Morpeth, Northumberland

    Heads up. The RBI for the North East has mailed to say he has found AFB nr Morpeth. "I am sorry to say that I have found AFB in the 10 K map square NU10 (Swarland)." There is a request for vigilance by keepers taking their hives to the heather.
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    Beekeeping in a Built Up Area

    I have kept bees in my garden for four years. The first year they swarmed which was a nightmare for me and the neighbours. I recovered the swarms and pacified the neighbours. After that I took the following measures which have prevented any further swarms. 1. Changed from standard national...
  19. S

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Ordered four supers and frames after today's inspection. This hot weather is making up for the late start to the year.
  20. S

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    I saved a nestbox colony of tree bumble bees by relocating from a garden to a wood. Made me feel good.;)