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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. B

    Higher than normal water content

    I would agree about the lighter colour and the yellow colour of the wax, if they were on Salisbury plain it would be normal from the sainfoin,as to moisture content, still extracting and only test when it's all in buckets
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    Down the bottom of the garden.

    Pics are on the BFA Facebook page, members only if you want a look
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    Down the bottom of the garden.

    I am in the middle of doing a similar thing, I would load some pics but not as easy as it used to be, I have run conduit and a blue mains water pipe and pushed 30 amp armoured cable through the conduit all underground, don't forget you will need some sort of drainage system, I am fortunate in...
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    An offer too good to refuse

    Pm sent
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    An offer too good to refuse

    This subject has been talked about at great length in II circles, one of the other issues is the fact that your II drones will have not flown and there is a line of thought that drones need to fly as the action of flying actually matures the version muscles, some say that drones that have not...
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    Pesticide incidents

    I had it bad back in 2012 Chris and it was the biggest colonies that went down first and as Murray said no real pattern to it, that year I had more kit without bees than I had with bees
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    Hivemakers Mini Nucs

    As Facebook is so picture orientated could we have a closed group where people could post their pics or is that complicated to do
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    Whats the best Mini Nuc?

    There are a number of reasons for moving from Apideas, personally I have big hands and queens tend to run to the floor and take time to catch safely, when you have 70-80 mating boxes they get very expensive. Once the queen is mated and in lay the window before they are very overcrowded is...
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    Whats the best Mini Nuc?

    I have gone right of of Apideas HM, we both know a man looking for 100 or so if you want rid of any, he is having mine
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    Whats the best Mini Nuc?

    Like all mating Nucs the bees will build comb in the feeder if it is empty, usually means they need attention anyway, ie getting overcrowded, some put qx so that the queen cannot get into the feeder, my boxes have bee space all round but don't forget these are not for any more than getting...
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    Device for producing seed honey

    Chris happy new year to you and family. with regard to the honey, did you ever get a honey pump? i am certain that I have read on the web somewhere that if you can get the set honey warm enough to move, you can run it through a pump and just re-circulate it back to the tank, leaving it running...
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    BFA Membership

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    BFA Membership

    Are you guys going to the Stoneleigh weekend?
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    Train Stations

    is Mike in your part of the world this time Pete, I knew he is speaking in Ireland but did not know where else
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    Beefarmers Membership

    Alex We find the problem in my "other business" it's a relatively small market, nearly niche so not many companies even able to offer cover and then TRUE like for like is very difficult to find, the small print with the extra clauses in leave everyone lost how truly like for like the quotes are...
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    Beefarmers Membership

    Don't know about the insurance Pete, last I heard was that members had asked about bolt on cover like cover when moving bees, goods on transit and other things but I do not know the outcome, I do not know what goes on at board meetings etc With the big changes in the common agriculture policy a...
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    Beefarmers Membership

    Do you not read the bulletin?
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    Beefarmers Membership

    I am doing my best with the NFU Chris, have not had my renewal package yet but, if this was on Facebook as well Alex may fill in some gaps,as you should have seen we are going to send out an invite to farmers to attend Alan Harts talk with Southern inFebruary, hopefully generate some more...
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    Worst bee-related job

    Making frames, mixing syrup and a few other things, do you enjoy doing them HM!!!!!!