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  1. S

    Bees For Sale Three Hives for Sale

    Hi, After much deliberation I have decided to stop beekeeping for now due to time, losing an out apiary location and having to squeeze the bees into my small suburban garden. I have three hives I would like to sell, one has a 2022 queen marked yellow and is the mother of the other two hives...
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    Sold Two Overwintered Nucs Available (Derby)

    Hi, Apologies for the late reply. These were already sold I'm afraid. If you are still looking I have a couple of single brood box hives that I will be putting up for sale soon, I'm downsizing as I have to many hives! Let me know if you are interested. Daniel
  3. S

    First Swarm Sweep Stake!

    I had to do a quick inspection today as work commitments won't allow later this week, fortunately there was a short break in the rain. I found many play cups, all were empty but one. It had a freshly laid upright standing egg in it, no royal jelly. I'm feeling 50:50 on this, could the queen...
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    Sold Two Overwintered Nucs Available (Derby)

    Hi, Thanks for your interest, but the remaining nuc went off to it's new home yesterday. I need to try and work out how to mark the thread as sold?
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    First Swarm Sweep Stake!

    Not really, but I think a flow has just come on, they seem to be very very busy right now and plenty of frames dripped as a turned them. Overall it is very surprising, earliest swarm like behaviour I've ever seen by a month or so. But this is the largest colony I've ever had, they seem to have...
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    First Swarm Sweep Stake!

    After seeing drones flying I thought I'd have a quick peek in one of my large double brood hives, I'm glad I did, it was absolutely rammed and had several charged queen cups.
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    Sold Two Overwintered Nucs Available (Derby)

    If anyone is interested, I have one left and they're brooding on 5 frames now, they really could do with a full sized hive ASAP. Thanks Daniel
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    Sold Two Overwintered Nucs Available (Derby)

    Hi all, Once again I am in a fortunate position to have suffered no winter losses, as such, I have two overwintered nucleus colony's available for sale. These were splits made last summer from my best colony, the bees themselves are calm and pleasant to work with. They are both in Maisemoore...
  9. S

    downsize to a nuc

    I think the implication was, then you should consider feeding them.
  10. S

    Sold 2022 BS National 6 Frame Nuc

    Hi, Yes they were sold thankyou, are you asking to close the post or did you need bees? If you are in need I do have a couple of nucs I was planning on over wintering? Thanks Daniel
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    Foods/drinks to avoid before inspecting?

    Mine are noticeably more grouchy if I have had a curry the night before inspection
  12. S

    Sold 2022 BS National 6 Frame Nuc

    Hi all, I have a nuc available with a 2022 marked queen, 4 frames of brood in all stages and 2 frames of stores. They are currently in a nearly new Maisemoor poly nuc, alternatively I can transfer them into a correx transport nuc. £100 in correx or if you wanted to keep the Poly Nuc £150...
  13. S

    Sold Two Overwintered Nucs Available

    Hi, yes both nucs went to new homes a while ago. I may have another one available soon with a 2022 queen. I'm just waiting to confirm the queen has successfully mated before saying it is available. If you are interested I can inspect it tomorrow and give an update on the egg situation?
  14. S

    Swarm crazy

    This sums up my last week perfectly, every one of my hives decided to swarm over the last 2 weeks. It will be interesting to see if the upcoming queens mate well at this time of the year.
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    Drawing out starter strips

    Mine occasionally have built them slightly lopsided if alternated with foundation. I have had more reliable results with starter strips in-between drawn combs
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    Sold Two Overwintered Nucs Available

    If it helps tickle any interest I inspected this nuc today, it is packed with bee's, has 5 frames of brood in all stages and one of stores. I'm happy to reduce the price, these girls really need to get into a larger hive as soon as possible and I simply don't have the room here. Thanks Daniel
  17. S

    Sold Two Overwintered Nucs Available

    Hi, Yes I still have one left if you would like it? Regards Daniel
  18. S

    Sold Two Overwintered Nucs Available

    Hi All, just an update. One nuc is off to their new home today and one is still available. I forgot to mention, both of these nucs (as well as my other hives) were all inspected by the bee base/national bee unit inspector before winter and received a clean bill of health.
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    Sold Two Overwintered Nucs Available

    Thanks for the comments, don't worry, if the worst case happens these are not my only two nucs. And lets hope my optimistic wording doesn't sting me in the bum! :LOL:
  20. S

    Sold Two Overwintered Nucs Available

    I am in a fortunate position to have suffered no winter losses, as such, I have two overwintered nucleus colony's available for sale. These were splits made last summer from my best colony, the bees themselves are calm and pleasant to work with. They are both in Maisemoore national poly nuc...