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  1. B

    Freshly caught Swarm - £30

    I'd say that it depends on the time of year Foul brood for example is quite hard to spot at the back end of the season, although I accept that this is likely to be after the usual swarm season. Is say we shouldn't get too high and mighty about swarms. At the end if the day many of us got...
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    How does the queen know not to lay in the test frame?

    new queens often lay multiple eggs, for a short time
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    Found a swarm

    I'd think brood. Otherwise they will draw brace from the bottom of the frame. You might think about oxalic acid, if they are not your bees and don't know about their varroa treatment hisory. Regards, Buzz
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    Plenty of them down here too Keith
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    Derbyshire Moors Heather site

    I work in Buxton and a few years ago thought about taking my bees to the Moors around there. I was put in touch with the Game Keepers attached to Chatsworth, I think the Moor would be Beeley. You might contact the land office and see where that takes you. Buzz
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    Strawberries, Blackberries and Blueberries - Any good?

    Hi just to say, dont put them in poly tunnels. They will dwindle quickly. They simply fly to the light and drop excausted against the plastic, at least this is my experiance. On closing them in: make sure there is an issue with the pesticides first, and if so I would consider moving, Otherwise...
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    Help wth extractor

    Hi Pete D I have a similar extractor from Taylors, with what looks like the same motor. My adjuster went a few years ago, and for what its worth I replaced mine with a variable light switch thingy. It worked fine for a couple of years until the motor burnt out. It was very old when I pickedd it...
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    A very merry Christmas to all our members.

    Here's to a great 2012 to one and all! May all your supers be full one's! All the best, Buzz
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    Me, My Computer and Beekeepingforum.

    on my lap top with blackberry link, currently on the renal unit. The forum stopping my from going completely mad
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    dissolving Fumidil B

    I used a similar technique as per hivemaker, dissolved much better than just sticking it in a big tub of warm syrup. Buzz
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    Balsam Question

    has anyone got areas around Nottinghamshire with Balsam. Or any details of websites highlighting this "weed" Cheers, Buzz
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    Nucs for Sale Notts / Lincs

    Hi all Have several Nucs ready to go. All with new queens, 3 or more frames of brood. BS frames. Pick prefered. £120 Any inspection welcome, resent visit by inspector. Regards, Buzz
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    Will nurse bees forage if they have to ?

    I wouldn't be so sure of your dates, queens can take a while to start to lay, and there are a few ifs ands and buts before that. Have you any worker eggs? Thats to say, 1 per cell. Lava and capped? The first questions you must be asking is: Is there a queen present? Is she mated and laying...
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    Can anyone explain this behaviour please

    I'd say a mating flight.
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    Cut comb packaging & freezing

    i think its ment to stay there. What type of honey is it? If its osr then cut comb isn't a great idea as it granulates solid as a rock. Buzz
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    An inspector calls

    My inspector didnt ask about my credentials, although he did ask if i was a new bee keeper, if i was near osr and moved my bees about and what if any treatment they get. all very approapriate questions, in my opinion. i myself feel that such information is essential if we are to try to get a...
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    An inspector calls

    Hi all, the bee inspecter came this morning, to do the random sample. I'd just like to reassure the newer beekeepers that the experiance is not as stressful as you think. they are helpful, polite and knowledgeable. look on it as an exciting opportunity to pick the brains of an expert in a one to...
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    Long distant transport of bees

    I would say cold way, ie frames in line with direction of travel. so stopping and starting shouldnt bang the frames together. Good luick and keep them cool and bee tight. Buzz