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I was forced to leave my job. Not a moment too soon really. Then had a spell of potentially serious illness. They call me 'Lucky!' I'm better now. Last year I learned that I had a small pension that I could cash. Obviously I thought '' at first. However, my partner was not happy with the 'women' aspect and pointed out that I actually make enough wine to float a frigate. As for 'song?'.........Nahhh! I decided that putting together a bee-keeping business would be better at this time. The first reason to do this was the break from the E.U. Imports of cheap foreign honey may well be affected by tariffs and increased transport costs? The importation of bees from the likes of Italy could also be in...
OK.....I think I made a mistake. I should have 'blogged' my intentions and plans here, before saying anything on the general forum. This is me: 62 years old. previously a manager in the care-industry. Before that, 20+years as a landscaper/builder. Ran my own business. Before that, trained as an artist. Huntin' shootin' an' fishin' all my life....often for a livin'! Came to beekeeping later than I should have, given the opportunities I had for that, 25 years ago! Wrong time.....wrong place perhaps? Now.....unemployed....unemployable. Will retire in a few years, so thought.......GO FOR IT AS A BEEKEEPER!!!!! I was ready to set up a beekeeping venture over three years ago, but a series of medical mishaps and...
I havent had a proper paid job since the end of November, being self employed is tricky, and others in household are not net contributors, so times have been lean. I have been trying to make a bit of money from the bees, as lentils are delicious, but you don't want to eat pulses at every meal. So far, I upped the price of my honey by 5% on 1st April and have been making up nucs which I am now selling. Neither of these activities will make me rich, but it has been a fantastic Spring and I've really enjoyed being outside with the bees during lockdown. Interesting how long talking to people about buying and looking after nucs takes, but I feel happier knowing the girls will be going to a good home and be properly looked after. Went...
This is aimed at bee-keepers with one or two years experience who may feel that bee-keeping is not as easy as it appeared. None of what follows is intended as anything other than tips for an easier life. My methods will not suit everyone so please pick out the parts that are relevant to you and adapt them if necessary to suit your own situation.- Swarms have been dealt with admirably in the last couple of issues so I want to try and tell you a few things that might not have cropped up and that as a beginner might be worth considering. And try and mention a few things that others forget. You should know by now why bees swarm. It is their method of reproduction and once bees have it in their minds, much like teenagers, the more you try...
Hi, Today I noticed a queen cell with a larvae in it at the bottom of a frame. Is it too late to do a simple hive split for swarm control? If yes, is there a simple way to stop swarming? I would do Snelgrove II method but I often struggle to spot the Queen, so might have problems when returning her to original location. Any suggestions gratefully received.
Well one has to say that the conditions in which we are beekeeping are unprecedented - no local association meetings, no training for new beekeepers, branch apiary visits cancelled, and shows and events postponed. I was lucky to get to Tradex when I did, and also to plan ahead and get kit in and assembled. Beekeeping is all about planning and hoping your plans are well thought through enough ! More-so this season... The bees are building nicely, nucs prepared, swarm boxes going up, plenty of interest in local honey and a couple of offers of new apiary locations which will fill in my geographic location nicely and extend it too. The downside to all the building supplies companies being shut means my honey room expansion is on hold...
This is aimed at bee-keepers with one or two years experience who may feel that bee-keeping is not as easy as it appeared! None of what follows is intended as anything other than tips for an easier life. My methods will not suit everyone so please pick out the parts that are relevant to you and adapt them if necessary to suit your own situation. I have had some feedback on the issue suggesting ways for a relatively new beekeeper to handle frames. Please do not think any of my suggestions are ‘the only way to do it’. They are just a guide, however there was an error in the photographs, the arrow clearly showed the rotation of the frame towards the body, it is far more natural and easier to rotate the frame away from the body. My thanks...
I don't seem to be able to open this I have tried saving and using different browsers - does anyone have a copy or similar? Looking for a template for permission to site bees on someone else's land. Appreciate this has been up here a while, I am new to this! Thank you!
Sorry, no photos on the blog! This is aimed at bee-keepers with one or two years experience who may feel that bee-keeping is not as easy as it appeared! None of what follows is intended as anything other than tips for an easier life. My methods will not suit everyone so please pick out the parts that are relevant to you and adapt them if necessary to suit your own situation. The first inspection is nearly on us. If you are still wary about looking in your hives then take heart from the fact that the first inspection is usually the easiest. Your bees will tend to allow you entry with little problem however if you upset them now then they may not be so forgiving next time so it is good to start the way you mean to continue. If it is not...
Two years in and some advice on frames and how to handle them! This is aimed at bee-keepers with one or two years experience who may feel that bee-keeping is not as easy as it appeared! None of what follows is intended as anything other than tips for an easier life. My methods will not suit everyone so please pick out the parts that are relevant to you and adapt them if necessary to suit your own situation. The last two months I glossed over re-siting your hive and getting clothing that is best for you. This month I want to try and help you handle frames as a relative beginner. When you have mastered the technique it will become second nature. It is second nature for most experienced beekeepers and it is a simple skill that they...
Two years in and your hives are in the wrong place! This is aimed at bee-keepers with one or two years experience who may feel that bee-keeping is not as easy as it appeared! None of what follows is intended as anything other than tips for an easier life. My methods will not suit everyone so please pick out the parts that are relevant to you and adapt them if necessary to suit your own situation. So, you have suddenly realised that your hive is in the wrong place. Don’t despair, this is just the right time of the year to do something about it and move your hives. The three miles or three feet rule is ideal when the bees are flying but three weeks will suffice in the winter. Watch the weather forecast, three weeks of nice cold weather...
Yeah seed tray over the nuc roof is just the walls don't get wet. I just prefer abit of overhang so water don't get on the walls of the wood. The top nuc brood box also was just knocked out from old chipboard from a cupboard door, so not the best wood but I need a 2nd nuc brood box so built it in 20 mins.
Second year panic? So you bumbled through your first year fairly successfully and now you have reached the end of your second year of keeping bees. The second year of bee-keeping is often the worst. In the first year you have usually started with a nuc or a swarm in a brand new hive. The frames are all clean and straight. The comb is white with a yellow tinge and although the amount of bees in your hive looks a lot, it is manageable. The queen is likely to be new and well behaved. You spend hours watching the bees just going in and out sat on a chair a few feet from the hive and this bee-keeping lark doesn’t seem too bad at all. Over your first winter you worry a bit about food reserves but you are looking forward to year two. And...
Hi I am a newish beekeeper in North Wales. I have been impressed with the look of the Candy board with home made cold mixed candy used mainly in the USA. Do UK members have any comments on this system rather than using purchased fondant. I wonder if the sugar mix gets too hard for the bees to use.