buzzy bee , you have an extremly valid point about the sugar honey
heres how i work with it , please remeber what works for me might not work for you , you have to take my ideas away as i did from someone else and sit down and work out how to work it for you, also remeber my set up is the shed.
i only have two supers at anyone time on any of the shed hives, if i think they need to be feed for what ever reason, what i do is to remove the capped honey frames or mark them with a drawing pin to see which frames where capped i then feed with sugar at 500gm to 2 litres of water and then feed around 500ml at a time, with no more than 500ml per day in four day per week, the frames if any are then removed and used as nuc food suppliments, if i was to have any over or spare all i would do is set up a super of frames and then either sit a brood box over the to , bees dont like food downstairs only up stairs or i can extract the frames contents and refeed it to the bees when i winter feed or nuc feed , simple but can get complicated at times.
also floss i would not leave a super on a hive over winter, in theary they should not fill a super untill they have filled the brood box frames first, bees like my waiste line go across before going in any other direction