WOO HOO...Batten down the hatches!

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wandered around the garden sorting out all the chaos caused by yesterday evening's 'storm' the high winds had caused my yard brush near the shed to fall over and one of the plastic buckets outside the back door had moved almost two feet!!
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I had a couple of small problems down at one apiary. A stack of boxes with a super of honey, near the top, was blown over and some bees were robbing it. A fence post gave way and a couple fence panels have collapsed. Not surprising as the post was rotted at ground level. A few apples fallen from one tree, but none of the others were affected.

It's blowing again now, but not as hard as last night. So I reckon the local forecast of 60kmh, and 80kmh gusts, was probably close to reality. I reckon there is a lot of 'worst scenario'.forecasts, after the '87(?) hurricane fiasco.

We had the power go off....for 15 mins. Wife relieved could get back on Facebook.
wandered around the garden sorting out all the chaos caused by yesterday evening's 'storm' the high winds had caused my yard brush near the shed to fall over and one of the plastic buckets outside the back door had moved almost two feet!!

Sure that wasn't your Fart in the night JBM:icon_204-2:
All I can say if a that you must all be in very sheltered areas! Three roofing panels...still to be retrieved from across the drive in the field. Thankfully they didn't hit anyone driving past! We put breeze blocks on them...and they can stay there until needed. Tarpaulin sailed away...but we collected that and put it back with lots weight to hold it down. Opening gates...you take your life in your hands...literally as the wind whips it away or slams it on you. The contents of my garden have been rearranged ...so now it's just a case of wedging everything together tightly until it all quietens down.
Luckily all the hives are still OK...they are always strapped down.
No...not an exaggeration...it has been very windy here.
No trees down here - very few branches down.

Just a breeze. - as opposed to two winters ago when 20 odd mature trees fell in local park - I had to climb over one on my morning walk.
Depends where you live like it always does, probably only a few occasions when the whole country had the same weather conditions. Trees down, cables down, fences down and loads of surface water on the roads, I drove through three lakes on the way to Bridgend yesterday.
A loose fitting coat would've been a bad idea down the Vale in all that wind.
Just back on line, tree fell across my phone line snapping it in two. No online games.aaahhhggg
:sunning:Is this a British forum by any chance? 6 pages of weather!!

Hope the only damage was to stuff and not to sentient beings....
Sorry, didn't meant to leave you out, but isn't it always the Brits who are the butt of the joke, tho'?
Strictly speaking the British isles (the geographical entity) includes Ireland, Great Britain and the 6000+ islands. Citizens of the republic of Ireland and the UK are all "british" in that sense.
But its all mixed up as the title "The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland" seems to exclude those in the Isle of Wight, Anglesey etc..
Then trying to explain the more complicated bits like what is the status of the Isle of Man to some one from the U.S. is rather difficult.
Let alone why some inhabitants of the Shetlands dont like being called "Scottish"
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