Will Bees swarm if raining

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House Bee
Mar 10, 2014
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I am a little confused as to whether bees will swarm on a stormy day. Are they able to predict weather patterns?
Is it a good idea to inspect bees on an unpredictable weather day?
I need to look inspect tomorrow as there will be capped queen cells. My colonies are very aggressive bees and the weather tomorrow like today is unpredictable
They probably won't if it's hammering down, but if there's a sunny spell they might.

If you are expecting sealed queen cells they may well have gone before you get there. What did you do when you had open queen cells?
Isn't it likely that there will be more of them inside if it's stormy/rainy weather. If they are aggressive then there's more of them to be annoyed by your inspection.
my last inspection there were two capped queen cells but the bees were still there.
If there are queen cells again can i simply remove them if bees not gone?
If opened cells should i remove?
If capped bees likely have swarmed already

If you see queen cells you really need to AS

Have a look here
If the bees haven't swarm yet, they will on the first warm/sunny day. You need to sort out the queen cells asap. Get well rapped up and if the queen cells are still there find the queen if not gone. If gone take down all but one really good queen cell (some say leave 2). If queen there, move her and brood to another box with brood and stores and let the new queen get on with it in the old hive.
All this is a quick over view, have a refresh read up before.
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from my neighbour who witnessed the following, who rang me last Thursday, it was raining, the sun came out, my colony swarmed, collected on a hedge near the hive, small football size ball, sun went behind clouds, never came out again, went cold and windy, some bees all flew back to the hive, and covered it, and some flew away!!! (with my queen!).
One of my colonies swarmed on Thursday last week - I assume the sun came out and they left the hive, clustered on a small tree 3m away and were still there the next morning when I wandered down between rain showers. They were absoluitely sodden, looking very sorry for themselves and were not very friendly asfter I ran back to the house, got a bucket and a new hive and dumped them from the tree, to the bucket, to the hive.
All fine by Saturday, though and have settled in nicely so far despite the weather all weekend.
I don't think they planned that one....