Why not think about rehoming?

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this thread reminded me of an article in local paper at end of Nov which we've paraphrased in our household to refer to our sally whenever necessary.

Alice searches for an owner
Alice isn't any good neither at hunting nor for truffles and therefore is "good for nothing" (words of the owner)
Even bees can (very rarely) cause fatalities..........if we took the attitude that dogs were potentially lethal, then we'd better get rid of all cars, knives, and come to that, underpants and socks, which are responsible for all sorts of injuries....

Trouser zip - 1992 whilst working at a customers house :eek: followed by :redface:
My daughter has worked at a Greyhound Racing Kennel for 6 years now. She trains the dogs to race and looks after their general health. She is in charge of 120 dogs. Only 32 of these dogs race for a living, the rest (78) of the dogs are all retired and live their entire life at the Kennels with lots of room to run around and play with the other dogs.

When they do breed their dogs, its only the top 1% that get to breed and they have to have won over 10 races to get the chance to breed.

So i would disagree with your opinion of Greyhound racing kennels.

i have never been to a racing dog kennals all i know is the end i have dealt with which is either unwanted or disposed of grey hounds, due to them being to slow or less than perfect. i am not saying they are all like that just the experience i have seen
I'd like to put in a mention of Wood Green animal shelter. We've had a dog and a cat from them, they treat the whole process very professionally and give a good service. Insist on neutering, and even maintain "ownership" of the animal throughout its life (I guess this is probably done by other shelters as well).

I'd always get an animal from a shelter in preference to going to a breeder (sorry winker!) - one tries to manage the over population while the other just contributes to it

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